US Live Animal Shipping Policy Changes
Update: United States Live Animal Shipping Policy Changes
[Monday, February 23, 2009]
A new directive regarding transporting live animals into/through the United States has been put into effect by the Transportation Security Administration (TSA). Effective February 1, 2009, the directive requires that all animals, including dogs, coming into the United States booked as manifest cargo must be tendered at their [foreign] origin airport by a "Regulated Agent" or "IATA-Approved Agent".
Parties not affected include:
* People (breeders, owners, etc.) shipping their pets as cargo within the US.
* People traveling with their pets as excess luggage or in-cabin within the US.
* People traveling with their pets as excess luggage or in-cabin into the US.
Affected parties include:
* People shipping pets as cargo overseas/across the US border.
* Individuals living overseas who want to send their pets back to the US as cargo.
These affected parties must now use the services of a registered/licensed shipping/cargo/freight agent or broker. Such agents are easy-to-find, as there are usually a number of them near major airports.
As always, individuals flying with a dog into the US should check with their airline to confirm its policies on live animals as excess baggage.