Tourist causes 'mini riot' at Aussie Party !

Please double check before booking a place to stay is Australasia ...........
A TOURIST who refused to take his clothes off at a swinger party has been blamed for sparking "a mini-riot" at a north Queensland nudist colony.
Police were called amid threats of violence and lewd behaviour and ordered the Brisbane man and his wife from the adults-only "anything goes" party, reports the Courier Mail.
The White Cockatoo resort at Mossman, near Port Douglas, is promoting swingers and adult parties in a month of hedonism for March in a bid to boost sagging tourism figures.
Owner Tony Fox said the "mini-riot" erupted when four naked female guests protested when confronted by the fully-clothed man.
......... I love the comment regarding "sagging" tourism figures..............
Oh, if only we could get a party like that going here...with all the boredom this would be some great "recreation"!!!
I'd lay odds that there is an underground movement here:) Invite us and I'll bring the
Mis-cat, thanks.
Andrews - right.
Don't want no drama,
No, no drama, no, no, no, no drama
When posting links to news stories, it is good form to provide either a source, or better yet a link, so that people can read the entire story for themselves:,28318,25141580-5014090,00.html
Regarding the question of tourism, the fact that there are people discussing the resort by name on the other side of the world can only be a good thing, as far the resort is concerned.
I think you'll find the resort will be booked out for months to come as a result of the free publicity.
But hey! The guy didn't follow the rules! Off his wiener!
"Everything in this book may be wrong." Illusions: The Adventures of The Reluctant Messiah by Richard Bach
i still dont understand the idea of nudity club,
Everybody is right everybody is wrong, it depend where you stand
Flan's been missing for the past few days.. i wonder if he was there ?
the resort is a well known nudist resort in Australia and is not just a resort that decided to go hedonistic for the fun of it. Now contrary to popular belief there are rules and guidelines when participating in these types of things that most who do chose to do it as a lifestyle are well aware off these, they are there to keep the perverts out. If you had of posted the full article from any of the Australian news papers you will read that this guy crossed those boundaries and actually threatened the owner of the resort. It wasn't so much that he was clothed it was his behavior towards the women and the inappropriate touching of one of the women with out consent that started the trouble.
If everyone cared and nobody cried
If everyone loved and nobody lied
If everyone shared and swallowed their pride
Then we'd see the day when nobody died....Chad Kroeger
Only in Australia...
/The poor tourist and wife only wanted to check out the swingers party out of curiosity... I would too... and probably also spark off a mini-riot and end up in the newspapers.
//Btw, that action didn't help tourism, did it? So on one hand, they preach freedom of person but on the other hand, impose rules dictating that freedom. Same for every club, association, etc. Bad for tourism because of its exclusivity.
Don't want no drama,
No, no drama, no, no, no, no drama