ATM USERS PLEASE READ....reverse code]]
By skdkak closed 1... •
If someone forces you to withdraw money from ATM, THEN......
If you are ever forced by a thief or someone to take money out of an ATM machine, enter your pin number reversed.
So if your number is 1254 mark 4521.
The ATM machine will give you your money, but will automatically recognize this as a plea for help and will alert the police unknown to the thief.
This option is in all ATM machines, but not many people know this.
[mod note: This has been posted before and proved to be false. Please don't forward things like this without checking their validity first.]
Yeah, skdkak - always check your facts before posting esp. since some people will really take your word for it and don't know how to verify.
/Alternatively, some of us will check YOUR facts before we believe you. But not all of us read all the threads...
//Thank you, Mis-Cat for your info.
Don't want no drama,
No, no drama, no, no, no, no drama
I will go soon to the nearest ATM machine (w/o force) and enter the reverse code and wait for the police then....:P
never heard of such thing.. Sound too good to be true..
If everyone cared and nobody cried
If everyone loved and nobody lied
If everyone shared and swallowed their pride
Then we'd see the day when nobody died....Chad Kroeger u will be jailed along with the thief.
what will happen if my PIN is 2222? :)))