Very Similar Couplets From Different Times
Was amazed to hear an English couplet by Frye (1918-2004) that is so similar to a couplet by Bulleh Shah (17th century) Punjabi poet. Though both are from different times, languages and culture.
Don't stand on my grave and cry
I am not there, i did not die
Bulleh Shah
(Bulleh Shah Asaan marna nahin
Goor Piya koi hore)
Bulleh Shah i am not dead
Its someone else lying in that grave
superdc i wasnt implying anything infact i was appreciating the coincidence.
both saying same words, interesting! Same philosiphy
and i was not suggesting that Frye cud have read Bulleh Shah, just pointing to similarities, i am sure similar cases exist in other literatures
i am sure Frye doesnt understand punjabi! i doubt they had translations of Bulleh Shahs work then!!!
great minds think alike!!!!