Bed Bugs Blood-Sucker : Normal in Gulf or Spread by Pest Control Companies?

Bed bugs, Bed bugs, Bed bugs. You know how maddening they are. Just to think about those irritating small thing makes your day really down. You can't concentrate to sleep, my God!
Now, I am wondering: Did they occur due to hot weather in Gulf or is it the Pest Control Companies scattering those things in order to bloom their business?
Is there any solution or way to avoid these bugs? It seems they are everywhere. What you think?
All you need to do is to clean everything in the room, disinfect the bed, and let it dry in direct sunlight to kill the bed bugs. And you'll also need to change your bed sheets and pillow covers at least once or twice in a week.
pest control
mkjq, Thanks for the idea. Let me try this detergent water and spread the news if effective.
We got bed bugs last year, and tried everything. Actually they came from a laundry when we gave our blankets to be dry cleaned. We vaccumed, removed our furniture, removed the carpet, but they only reduced and didn't go..
The bed bugs multiplied so fast that soon they were every where you can imagine. Someone told up to spill petrol, but how can you spill petrol in your bedroom. Then a person told us to spray detergent water. One liter water with 2 tablespoon detergent on every corner they live. Bed bugs make nests in corners, hidden places or holes and you can easily spot them by black spots.
Make sure you spray in every nest, it was like the impossible happened, not even one remained after 2 weeks of spraying. (you need not spray every day, make sure once in every 2 days)
Heat, Cold or vacuums won't get rid of them ... but UV light will :o)
Take your mattress outside for a few hours. Turn it ever 30 minutes or so.
Never thought that pest control would be spreading the pests but you have got me thinking...I reckon it definitely has something to do with the heat. Blast the air conditioning on that should kill them...and use a very good vaccum and leave no place un-vaccumed!
I hate bed bugs.