BEWARE!! Big stone along the road of Al Sadd!
Dear Qatar Livingers..
Please beware if you are driving your car along the way toward Al Sadd road, especialy in dark. A few hour before (2300hrs) I was driving toward Al Sadd road from George 2 Hotel to Barwa Building, the road was very dark coz there are less of roadlight in Al Sadd. When I was running 60km/hour in front of HSCB in the opposite of Merweb Hotel suddenly I saw a very big stone (the size almost half of futsal ball) in the middle of the street. I try to swing my steer to the right to avoid an impact with the stone but it was to late...
I hit the stone and my alloy rims were heavily damage, bend and crack...
So nothing I can do than stop then change the rims with the spare in my trunks. After finish, I continue my journey to Barwa. Along the way to Barwa I still found 3 big stone separate in the street with the same size. I suspect this stone are falling from a dump truck, coz I know on that time many dumptruck are passing through Al Sadd road heading to Gharafa area.
So for any of you who driving along the street of Al Sadd especialy in night time and ESPECIALY for motorcyclist, please BEWARE of this stone..
For Mr Traffic Policeman, please make sure all the dump truck which passing Al Sadd street are covered their cargo, so there's no falling stone which can endanger other people..
Thank you..
blocking some roads, would you kindly post the road map here & mark the spot where we could possibly avoid those stones? Pleaaase?? Of course, it needs some 'hero' to remove them from the road, I cannot volunteer, but I can call an attention to some people responsible on that site.
"I do live by the motto that pessimists are usually right, but all the great change in history was done by optimists" -Thomas Friedman
thanks for the reminder.
don't mind the cursing, it's normal here in QL!
"dgoodrebel will always be the rebellious good one"
Guys I think what he was trying to say that for people who use that road at a late night time to be careful of such incidents coz it may be happening regularly since same trucks will use it again and it wasn't a warning about those specific rocks. Although I think he should have removed them also for the sake of other drivers coming around that time.
I guess we should always be careful driving at Doha's streets anywhere anytime of the day!
Next time call the Police, just tell them, that a couple of giant rocks fell off from the back of a dump truck and they are lying down in the middle of street. They are too big to be move by anyone. I'll guarantee you someone will appear.
I just try to do my best.. But if it only can make you guys laugh.......
Hope you guys have a better chance..
they removed it this morning...
If he tried to clear the Stone...he would get run vehicles travelling over
U made me laugh.. !!
LoL Seto.....
I've remove the first stone but I'm sorry I can't sacrifice my soul just to remove the other 3 stone in the dark. There are too many Land Cruiser passing in high speed, what will my parents feel if my soul flew from my body b'coz of a speeding Land Cruiser even though I do a very nice job for other people?? I rather to drive safely after that incident and avoid those 3 stone..
well, one good thing came out of it ... we got 6 ppl ... who thought it wud have been wiser to remove the stones, than silly posting here ... letz see if they r gone to remove the stones or are still posting on QL :p
Give the guy a break, He had car trouble had to change the spare etc.. maybe it wasn't the first thing on his mind to clear the road...
Jeez u guys wht happened to "being Nice" instead of just jumping up n cursing him for posting a warning !!!
It was late in the night... besides, some1 wud think this person is insane .. around mid-night .. searchin' and removing stones from the road...
it is a nice warning ... y don't all of you go today ... and do it urself :)
itz easier said than done :P
and advice us thru QL to avoid it. Amazing!
katas ng qatar
u shud be awarded for saving soooooo many lives by posting this thanks ..... but if only u would have put in a lill effort in picking up the stone ur self, THEN we wouldnt be wasting our time reading n responding to ur plea
are you really sure it is a big stone or it is a big metal steel for manhole drainage?
wtf? So you hit the stone and thought to yourself, "oh no, what if someone else hits it as well, I better do something about it", and your solution was to come home and tell people about it via QL. Do you not think parking your car and moving the stone out of the way would have been a more immediate and effective solution?
right Rizks ..
Well i dint see any stones this morning !!
"For Mr Traffic Policeman, please make sure all the dump truck which passing Al Sadd street are covered their cargo, so there's no falling stone which can endanger other people.."
Mr. ?
Why didnt u removed the stone from the middle of the road and thrown it somewere else ? IT would have saved many ??...