QAWS :: To the despicable puppy thieves..

To the despicable people who stole one of our puppies,
We are stunned.
How someone could walk into the shelter on a busy Friday afternoon, help themselves to a collar and lead, pick a puppy and take it for a walk without asking is, for a start, just plain wrong.
But to then put it in your car and drive away is despicable. To take a pup away from it's Mum, Brother and Sister without hesitation and without permission staggers us.
We are a rescue shelter. All our dogs are looking for new homes. Had you asked, we probably would have rehomed him to you. You didn't even bother to find out his name. How old he was. Whether he was on medication. For all you know - you have a sick puppy that needs its medicine.
You were recognised. We know you have been to the shelter before. You spoke to a member of the committee and were told the adoption proceedure. So why did you decide to ignore the adoption process and just STEAL one instead. And yes, it is theft.
It is so sad to know that there are people in the world like you. And without meaning to sound racist, you're European. You should have respect for animals. They are not a "thing" you just pick up and walk off with. What will you do when you get bored of him?
We can only hope that wherever he is, our little Romeo (at only 6 weeks old) is cared for and regardless of how he came to be with you, he has a home for life.
Chelsea sorry for what happened. what a Sad loner to do that. I cant imagine why they did they do that. Are they so tight that they did not want to offer a small nominal donation. People like this are not really fit to keep a puppy. If they do not have any info about Romeo how the heck they gonna make sure that he will be ok?
You guys are doing a wonderful job and real could do without this kind of aggrevasion. Anyway hope everyone else at the shelter is fine.
you need to leave your ID and sign the log book :D
leaving the ID in the entrance for me is a good idea
Maybe the id cards at the entrance would be a little extreem, maybe a sign in and sign out system would work, providing you have the staff to cope with something like that.
All the besht Romeo :(
"You can imprison a Man, but not an Idea. You can exile a Man, but not an Idea. You can kill a Man, but not an Idea." BENAZIR BHUTTO
That's just plain ignorant and evil to take a puppy away from his mom, especially not knowing how old or if he is well or not!! I hope you get Romeo back, and I hope that if you do, that you press theft charges against the person/persons involved.
One thing aobut this is...fate has a way of getting back at those that do evil...usually by factors of at least 10 fold.
Grant me the senility to forget the people I never liked,the good fortune to run into the ones I do,and the eyesight to tell the difference.
Romeo grows up and bites the nuts off the guy that stole him.
Stealing things they can get for free is beyond belief.
If you recognise the person who took the dog report him to the police for stealing (dog and lead.
Hope your pup is ok.
"only mad dogs and englishmen go out in the midday sun"
Apparently the wild dogs have gotten so dangerous a group of feral salukis attacked a Qatari family and really hurt the man and his family a couple weeks ago. I think this is why the govt. has to shoot them when they get in packs. I hope the puppy isn't turned out onto the street.
We had a call this morning from a lady who had found a puppy in the bottom of one of the big metal rubbish containers who she thought was Romeo. Unfortunately it wasn't him so now we have another puppy at the shelter!!
Someone had clearly thrown him in there along with the rubbish as a way of getting rid of him - there was no way he could have got in there on his own.
Why do people continue to do this? It's fairly well known that we exist and we're definitely not hard to find on the internet!!
Will keep you all up to date on Romeo - we have a couple of promising bits of information so fingers crossed it'll all work out.
I've been seeing a lot of ads for missing puppies/dogs... but haven't you notice there are so many stray dogs in the city? You will find them almost everywhere, of every size and kind... I think the authorities should do something about it, right?
Thanks for pointing that out! Sorry, I missed that completely.
He's precious! We'll all be keeping an eye out for Romeo.
Cynbob - theres a photo of Romeo attached to the original post - if anyone see's him please call us on 539-6074
AbuAmerican - although that would probably solve the problem it's just not possible. There are so few of us running the shelter, all with full time jobs, that there are times when we're not there. Our volunteers still go down to the shelter as the dogs still need walking but it's difficult to keep an eye on everyone.
We're getting over 150 people a week coming to the shelter. We had 30 yesterday between 4pm and 6pm!!
I got back my dog when he was basically stolen as our name and number was on the dog.
So put the pic out there and you may be surprised and find him. So sad that someone just walks away with an animal too youg to be adopted.
What about the poor collar and lead which he pinched also
"dgoodrebel will always be the rebellious good one"
I'm not talking about grabbing the poor pup out of someone's possession!
I'm just saying if there is a Romeo sighting, Chelsea can be contacted.
the culprit may panic and do harm to the puppy! Just a suggestion!
"dgoodrebel will always be the rebellious good one"
I read that you provided vets with a photo and description.
(Referring to my previous post)Didn't know if it would be ok to give this info for the general online forum. :S
Do you have a photo or can you write a description of little Romeo?
Someone on QL might get a visual of a puppy that looks like Romeo and can contact you.
Blimey - talk about low levels of behaviour....
selfish and stupid
The arrogance of some people, how dare they!!
I hope the poor little soul is being treated properly!!
Unbelievable :-((
I hope you are able to get him back.
Thank you everyone. We have contacted all the vets with a descripton of the couple and photos of Romeo.
Hopefully we can track them down and get Romeo back! People like them don't deserve a dog as they clearly have no respect for him.
Please return Romeo back..
Why would anyone behave like this?The rehoming fees aren't that exorbitant at QAWS,are they?Lets just pray the guy really loves dogs,isnt a sadist of some kind...I've had this experience too...Had given a stray pup I had found to a neighbor who had dogs already but was willing to home one more--days later I found the pup abandoned on wakrah beach.. since then not a day goes by without me cursing that guy to hell.. what a jerk!
Oh, no, only six weeks old! That is too young to be leave his mother and litter mates. Eight weeks is the minimum. This is just plain, uncaring stupidity on top of theft. I hope poor Romeo doesn't suffer as a result.
Obvioulsy, That "person" must've love to take Romeo home but don't want to go through the adoption process...
Hmmmm....bad bad bad...soooo BAD. :(
we have a rescue dog from Qaws and it is such a great place and I know when we went to get a dog it was not a case of us just taking one; we had to prove, as it should be, we were up to it.
Some people are just tw*ats! I hope you find who took the dog. I also hope you carry on with your wonderful work.
"Everything in this book may be wrong." Illusions: The Adventures of The Reluctant Messiah by Richard Bach
when i saw the picture then i realized why he stole it... I hope that guy gets caught or if not takes care of that dog.
~Posted from the OverLord~
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took the advantage of their trust.
Think before you say :-)
Who exactly is careless?
QAWS cant protect how shame less i pray to god that dog should be fine :( how careless people u are
peace :)
My heart goes out to you. I hope Romeo gets a good home.
To be honest we just want to know that he's OK. Please, if anyone sees him, let us know how he is.
Let's just hope s/he treats the puppy properly... It's like stealing a child from an orphanage, how cruel!!
Just when I begin to regain a little more faith in human nature somethin like this makes me review the position of the goalposts .
Sorry, as an animal lover I can really empathise with you.
This is so sad! I hope that he is being cared for! Although, I'm doubtful since the thief wasn't initially considerate of little Romeo's needs!
Romeo, Romeo where art thou Romeo? :(
Amazing. So, people would steal even if they could get the thing for free. Very sad. When one looses one's goodness, one looses everything.