Children pick up bad language from parents

London: Nine out of ten children have heard their parents swear in front of them, according to research.
The average child hears their mother or father utter six expletives a week with up to 86 per cent saying they felt their parents' swearing as well as the language of celebrities such as Gordon Ramsay and Jonathan Ross set a bad example.
The poll of 3,000 11-year-olds show two out five children were using swear words at an earlier age, admitting to using them in their everyday language because they heard their parents use them.
poor kid..
when the child had done wrong, really horribly wrong, what's the first impression you make?:
1."Where the hell you came from!?"
2."Is that how your parents had taught you!?"
3."Oh, great, is that the way your school educated you?!"
"I do live by the motto that pessimists are usually right, but all the great change in history was done by optimists" -Thomas Friedman
Childre imitate their parents and yes they copy their vocabulary. The enviroment in school plays an important roll, but lets not forget one thing .Each individual born with diferent personality and it depends on each child s personality to lets say "select" what is more like them. i will explain myself "if u teach your child good manners and never to say bad words at home , and his personality is open , friendly, extrovert...he will pick up from others and eventually also imitate them. So , with all these what i want to say is that the only thing we can do is to teach our childern right and from their "good luck to us" I strongly believe hat education start from home , but their are other factors that have strong influence in us and it depends on each individual to deal with it.
my brothers knew nothing of swear words, yet when got itno school, their toungs were nearly cut off by me!!
horrible language...
school, frnds can be a bad influence as much as it is positive!!
It is always the lost that need my guidance
I agree that very young children pick it up from parents but this study is on 11 year olds, who are in school most of the day. If the kids get home by 2:30ish, if parents arent working then you get a solid 5-6 hours with your kid before bed. Sadly at this age they spend more time in school.
"Diplomacy is the art of saying 'Nice doggie' until you can find a rock - Will Rogers"
yup, parents should be careful of what they are speaking. even if the kids hear cursing and swearing at schools, if they are taught by their parents not to, usually they will not do so.
There are many factors which may influence and form the way of speach in a growing kid. like their parents,their role models , tv, school mates, teachers ....etc etc
Prime and most influencing according to me is parents only..since they spend most of the time with them and possibilities of listening and copying are much more.
Listen to Many..Speak to a few.
If you get a chance please read 'Summerhill' by A.S. Neill. Ohh, and this school is in UK only.
Life is never boring, but some people choose to be bored.... Boredom is a choice. - Wayne W.
We all swore as kids, we were just careful not to get caught as a swift backhand from Mum usually cleared up a foul mouth.
Music, movies, video games and peers contribute more to exposing our kids to foul language. Granted I try my best to keep it away from my kids I cant watch them every second.
Classic isnt it, blame the folks :)____________________________________________________
"Diplomacy is the art of saying 'Nice doggie' until you can find a rock - Will Rogers"
they pick up all rubbish slang and bad words from their friends and school environment.
We teach them good morals and sincere behaviour at home and ensure they should maintain at all time atleast when they are at home.
(excerpt: "But this is awful, appalling really. There are some age groups now who can't say a single sentence without the F-word in it."...."Parents should be aware that children are easily influence and will try to replicate what they say whether it's swear words or not.)
"I do live by the motto that pessimists are usually right, but all the great change in history was done by optimists" -Thomas Friedman