will i be able to work with no experience?

i am 32 years , i have a bachelor degree in engineering from Egypt since 1999 , i have never worked in the engineering field , i lived in the united states , i m a US citizen , i have always worked in sales and retail management , i wanna move to qatar , will i be able to get a job as an entry level engineer to gain experience , i don t care about how much i get paid as long as i gain experience .
Man, America is not the land of oportunities anymore , the unemployment rate is at its 14 years highest , the people are loosing their jobs by the thousands every month, the economy is destroyed , it s getting more and more deppressive , there is more freedom here than any other country , but that s it.
trust me if those qataris move here they will regret it ,
Why do you want to move Qatar. I mean being a US citizen. All the world wants to move to US, and you wnat to move to Qatar. Ask any Qatari here, he shall give anything to move to US.
what is decent pay for someone like me , i am not looking to save any money , just live and work .
Yes indeed, every human being is not coming to the professional level unless he begins his career from zero level., i.e. to say no experience. Therefore let me tell you to begin with your interested career is a good start to make experience and experience counts a lot in terms of salary, and other package deal. They are equaly important like your skill and qualification to handle the job in which you involve and ofcourse make greater difference in performance standard when comparing the efficiency and perfection of output as far as employment is concernd. So, I wish you god speed and best of luck in your new endeavour. Abdulla.