Extreme Porn Becomes Illegal

By dragonfly212 •
Check the link: http://uk.news.yahoo.com/14/20090123/tpl-extreme-porn-becomes-illegal-81...
Bravo to UK. I support this law totally. Exteme Porn is sick very sick.
Check the link: http://uk.news.yahoo.com/14/20090123/tpl-extreme-porn-becomes-illegal-81...
Bravo to UK. I support this law totally. Exteme Porn is sick very sick.
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Motherhood...The hardest job you'll ever love! : )
Yes , you can. Just stop posting pics of your intimacy, especially regarding the use of polythene bags and suffocation.
It'll be a popular move. Everyone says that porn is bad. But bringing back the death penalty for paedophilia would be just as popular. And most people could do without gypsies, too. There are some issues that shouldn't be decided by popular outrage.
Government should stay out of other people's lives. If some couples like to film the act of throttling each other to within a few seconds of death, then they'll get a baffled look from me. Imprisoning them seems a bit excessive, and not the job of politicians.
can i keep my blow-up kangaroos???
Dragonny! you are still posting? don't miss your flight eh? i hope at least you are packed.. :)
“You become responsible forever for what you have tamed”. Antoine de Saint-Exupéry
Touche :)
PEACE BE UPON YOU,i think you should stand corrected britexpat:)
This is a very dificult one. I am fervently against porn, but as a firm believer in civil liberties and freedom of speech, I am not sure where I stand on this :(
How about making it illegal to produce AND distribute this trash.
Big Brother is already everywhere!
Despite this law,there are people that will get access to these sites, as well as, snuff films and other sick things that are out there!
What's to stop them from banning slasher horror movies; novels; video games; etc?
Although making extreme porn illegal may bring peace to the family, it is not the answer.
the details of the new law it is NOT an offense to own such material.
It is only an offense to own such material for the purposes of sexual arousal
Things which are equally extreme, but intended to inform (TV news), sell (advertising), excite (video games), entertain (horror movies) or be worshipped (crucifix) are perfectly within the law. It's the state of mind that will be a criminal offence, a thought crime as described in ‘1984’.
"Deaths in the Bible. God - 2,270,365
not including the victims of Noah's flood, Sodom and Gomorrah, or the
many plagues, famines, fiery serpents, etc because no specific numbers
were given. Satan - 10."
wow...before i read the article i thought it was unfair to censor but now that i know how extreme extreme can be i agree!
The ban on owning it won't make any difference, it's an understandable knee jerk reaction to the serious nature of this murder.
A ban on distribution is more rational and more effective, as one need not 'own' it to view it on the internet.
I am wary of calls for bans on things that don't actually break the law, as it is a thin end of the wedge to anyone with a complaint.
for example the article says:
"Jane would still be here if it wasn't for the internet."
So using the precedent of banning ownership of the said material it's only a short step to banning or censoring the internet. That's how self serving moral and political 'guardians' get a foothold, and then one is on the slippery slope to '1984'.
"Deaths in the Bible. God - 2,270,365
not including the victims of Noah's flood, Sodom and Gomorrah, or the
many plagues, famines, fiery serpents, etc because no specific numbers
were given. Satan - 10."