Blame your love life for extra bulge!!!
The secret behind a woman''s ‘yo-yo’ weight has finally been revealed, and it has nothing to do with hectic work life and laziness, infact the Weight problems? Blame it on your man (Getty Images)
culprit is – their men.
Yes, ladies fighting a constant battle to beat the bulge should blame their love life.
According to boffins, a woman’s weight fluctuates depending on how happy she is.
The report found early courtship usually brings with it a strict diet regime resulting in the loss of around 5lb. But things start to go downhill once the woman gets comfortable with her partner.
Wedding plans mean another sprint to shed a few pounds before the arrival of a baby reverses that weight loss, followed by a reinvention - which again sparks a diet drive.
The five stages of weight fluctuation, which can vary over around two stone, emerged in a study of 3,000 women by weight management firm
“Our emotions have an enormous effect on our health and weight. The periods in a woman’s life that see their weight rise and fall link directly to new chapters in their love life or family status,” the Daily Express quoted Jane McCadden, of Slendex, as saying.
“The study also illustrates how difficult women find it to maintain a stable weight throughout their lives. Even when women lose weight, bad habits soon return and another phase of weight gain follows,” the expert added.
The study showed that half the women in the survey agreed that their weight depended on how happy they were. Sixty-nine per cent said their relationship was the biggest factor in their general wellbeing.
Over half those questioned thought that their weight was affected if they went through a rough patch with the man in their life. Four in ten admitted it would turn their partner off if they put on weight. But 70 per cent admitted they were less apprehensive about their weight and appearance when they felt content in their relationship.
McCadden said: “It’s easy to gain solace from comfort-eating when a woman experiences a period of unhappiness.”
i can support some of the ide here. it is true when you lack sex you mostly will gain weight. i know i do. lol
because human only have basic 4 craving: sleep, food, water and sex.
Everybody is right everybody is wrong, it depend where you stand