why it's me????

I was abandoned by my parents at the age of 7 yrs old, molested by my uncle who stands as my parents at 9-10 yrs old. Beaten hardly by his wife if I could not do my job well at the age 9. fugitive at age of 10 and stay anywhere.
I loved to watch fairy tale movie, I was dreaming that someday my life would like a fairy tale come true.. I graduated from elementary from the hands of the people who is tranger for me ..but they treat me as their own. They need me to return to my relatives since they are just poor and have 6 childrens to feed and to send in school. Still aiming that hopefully I could finish my secondary level at least.. I support my self by working in the house just to finish my school. I don’t mind even I was studying in the mountainous part of my place.
I discover that aside from abandoned child , I have 5 sibling who was not in school . the eldest was being pregnant by unknown at the age of 16 ( giving birth to his child in the hands of the prostitutes ladies). Relatives don’t care!!
The 2nd brother was in and out in the prison because of stealing something just to survived from hunger. Relatives don’t care!!
The next to me was in DSWD (Department of Social Welfare and Development). A they told they saw my brother walking in the street like a beggar.
They’d support my brothers in school, food,etc... Relatives never visits!! Even they’re just nearby the building.
And the 5th & 6nd brother was unknown at that time…I didn’t know where they are!
Life is not really too bad! I graduated ay my Secondary level. And proceed to my 1st year in college. After 1st year I stopped studying and try to find a job to help the rest of my siblings. I did it! I took out my brother from DSWD and send him to school, I found my 2 younger brothers and send them little money to buy their clothes since they are living in the most mountainous part of our place. ( but their foster parents is so good, even they are poor but they have the heart to take care of the 2 young boys because they felt pity on them as what they tell).
We stayed in our grandpa’s house,but grandpa didn’t mind with us since he has a new wife after my grandma died. He is old to take care of our needs so we should work.i worked for my brother, I found my sister and we’re living in one roof! I have to look for a good job , a good salary to help them..
my accomplishment is that my 2 brothers graduated from high School with my effort.my sister found a good guy to support her and her kid. The 2 younger brother was still in their foster parents coz I can’t guarantee that if I will take them away from their known parents,it’s a big responsibility for me and I cant promise that I could make it. I just help them by sending litttel amount of money for their needs everymonth.
To be continued….. life when i'm inlove
Always be thankful if you have parents who always stand by with you whether they are far or near!! It's still a blessing folks
there's really not much to learn if the subject of your story is "WHY IT's ME?" For me as a reader, you are still discovering the sense of your suffering, and until you have made sense of all that happened to you, all you seek is a pity party.
we all have our share in life's hardships. change your pespective, you are alive, living in a country that has not been in siege, you can eat and sleep. A child in Gaza was shot 12 times in her chest. her other sisters were shot too. their house was burned. your situation is not worse than theirs.
it's releases the pain..maybe my story could help or inspire others to do good thing because they are lucky enough to not in my situation!!
maybe a film story who knows :)
I feel sorry for you..but Why you want us to know this?