Man convicted of cross-dressing

Dubai: A manager, who claimed he was training to play a female in a Bollywood film, has been charged with cross-dressing and using mascara at Mall of the Emirates.
The Dubai Court of Misdemeanours gave the 45-year-old Indian, an administration manager with a property developer, a six-month suspended jail term and fined him Dh10,000.
The court found him guilty of cross-dressing in public.
I believe the crime would not be cross-dressing. It might be masquerade/deception. I mean, any male police officer would think twice about apprehending a male wearing a skirt (Scotts!); it must be the burqa/abhaya which covers the entire features, equivalent to a mask.
After all classifications as HIS & HER items are creations of marketing professionals to create unique market for the same old goods. Old wine in New bottles!
I saw a man buying a 6-pack women's underwear... He is not into cross-dressing. He said he is economizing. You can buy 6 women's underwear for the price of a 3-pack men's briefs.
.PM, excuse me:)
A lot of men who aren't gay cross dress. PM is right, it's a compulsive thing.
Mallrat, youngster like us would say:
Goth style are gorgeous
is not an issue. Not a problem at all! The big deal though is when a man dress straightly but in fact is a gay! That makes a story!
"I do live by the motto that pessimists are usually right, but all the great change in history was done by optimists" -Thomas Friedman
.bad Goth style? says who? you?
.i sometime put on black /navy blue polish on my fingernails, is that cross-dressing?????
was making... not "the scent of a woman" again! duh!
"I do live by the motto that pessimists are usually right, but all the great change in history was done by optimists" -Thomas Friedman
As PM has stated - " cross-dressing is a compulsive behavior"..
Beauty as you know is in the eye of the beholder. I always cross dress "tastefully".. The Chanel bag, Hermes Scarf and the Christian Louboutin boots can turn many a head in the mall.
he deserved it
Still seems odd that he went out in drag though. They must have given him some benefit of the doubt though. Last time that happened in Dubai the individual got much heavier penalty because DECEPTION was the M.O
Why women not getting arrested for being tom boy or dressing like a
Poor guy. :( I mean really, who is he harming?
.law is law
Bijoy I second your comments. Its totally unfair.
not fare ...
About Britexpat:
Not even the make up, or the best dress in town, could save him from his natural looks. The ugliest of the ugliest guy in town, it must complimented on its own right. Ugly is just simply Ugly! It does not matter, how hard he keeps working on his ugliness.
Of all the crimes, cross dressing is the only one that is biased on gender !!!
Its a crime for a guy to dress up as a female, but seeing females in tight jeans, t-shirts, executive shirts to office, I am left wondering if there is any male-gender only, dresses!
AND, don't judge me please! I'm every inch a MALE.
was leaving KSA in 2001 they beheaded three men for the same thing and it was publicized in the Arab News.
He who dies with the most toys wins.
When I saw the title, my first thought was of you, britexpat!
Don't want no drama,
No, no drama, no, no, no, no drama
but I did not know it's a crime in ME to do this.
"I do live by the motto that pessimists are usually right, but all the great change in history was done by optimists" -Thomas Friedman