By BensoneRafiq •
Sorry, I am not a racist and I don't want to finger point this VERY VERY special mankind. As we all know Qatar Living is being used by a lot of people with a lot of foreign languages therefore, English should be used as a medium language for this QL. If you think your mother language is very great to be used here so please think it million times again and if you still could not find it wrong then pease make your own verSION of QL with your very own speCIAL languge
gosh this QL is getting full of racist comments.
Is impossible go against this world crises, she arrive everywhere, and more we go down, more racist will rise, it was from a economic downturn that the nazi's and all fascist leaders reach the power....
be aware, be very aware...
Check mate.....
Nope, sorry, I'm unable to translate what he said into any language on Earth.......apart from Gobbeldigook...
I think...
BensonRafiq...can you please speak in english in the main forum please.......
See, I intentionally put it in foreign language to gauge what he will feel when someone says something in other language that unknown to him...let it kick his head that foreign language isn't a good idea to be used when we are in an international community.
"If you think your mother language is very great to be used here so please think it million times again and if you still could not find it wrong then pease make your own verSION of QL with your very own speCIAL languge"
I love this guy! lolz!
"BensoneRafiq said bodoh hanjing ...
bodoh hanjing koraizon.....this is an international channel for all users of Qatar Living. Why you have to use your VERY foreign language here. Please respect the rest of the user."
It's funny because I saw this comment under "Home›groups›Filipino expatriates in Qatar"
You just put a mark on your name.
will just bookmark this thread, only because of Qatari's comment.. :) thank you....
[img_assist|nid=12867|link=none|align=left|width=|height=0]Nothing in life is to be feared. It is only to be understood.
Ve haf vays of vmaking yu tork (or write)!
Get the electrodes out Fritz, and connect them to the place where it hurts most...
Panda: You are forgetting Portuguese, more than Spanish ;)
Only God Can Judge Me
الله فقط يمكنه محاكمتي
I am you and you are me, if you love i love, if you suffer i suffer
أنا أنت, و أنت أنا, إذا أحببت نفسك أحببت نفسي, إذا عانيتَ عانيتُ
Chinese is the most widely use1d language in the world. It is estimated that there are about 1 210 Million speakers of Chinese (1 139 M L1-speakers and 71 M L2-speakers). If first and second language speakers are taken into account, English is the second most widely used language, Hindi the third and Spanish the fourth.
friends..always they are wishing you only good stuff :P
Thank you Drac, wish a very boring time to you too >:)
sorry mod., wont happen again.,
keep my tongue english.,
auf wiedersehen.
call me ONE.
deleted by qatari
you porst have been KHALAS :D
Where has my post gone?
sorry, da., :)
panda, go back to work.,
call me ONE.
damn you lucky bear!
ONE, oops sorry..:)
Da, sorry for that, you know what means be at work on friday....BORING :)
hold on! my french neighbor is sleepin'.,
call me ONE.
Where is the hindi group?
you heard what qatari said.
So only English Forum
Else go to the group and do what ever you want there.
Well done qatari wanted you to have words with the qlers.
lol Edifis, Its main fourm, चलो हमलोग भी हिन्दीमे वाद करेगा हिन्दी ग्रुपमे
............................................. see Lagosi,
one friend pop up, in a second... to finish your loneliness.
Thats why QL is a great place.
Is funny this willing of domination by some english people, in all aspects, ( and this comment is only to those ones ! )
Now there are strikes in UK, about refusing expats workers in UK Refinery's since one Italian company win the Project there.
Can some one explain why they don't accept others there, but they must be accepted everywhere, including the language...
sure from japan :)
ONE, english please, I'm lost :)
wtf? where are you from?
BR., take alexa's words if EM's & Qatari's werent good enough.,
dont go b i t c h i n' around.,LOL :)
call me ONE.
gosh..and now you? Panda?
It's Romenian, right?
Yep, I understand a bit, but was talking about the keep it flowing :)
Got great friends there....
Check mate.....
Rassadko...done!'re can understand my language 70-80%! :)
Pacat ca nu sunt destui romani in QL sa avem si noi un grup.
Mi-e dor sa "vorbesc" in limba mea natala!
Unde sunteti fratilor? :)
(I am so sad because i cant find enough roumanians here, on QL to start our group.
I really miss to "talk" in my mother language!
Where are you brothers? :))
wellsaid Qatari
Hi Bela Lagusi... I also think if the subject is discussed in english, is a question of respect to keep it in english, so everybody can understand what you think... our at least translate it, like I did.
Check mate.....
I'm sure any one of the Filipinos would answer/comment back and even explain to you what they were talking about.
I myself, a member of the FIL_EXPAT group reads the threads and posts comments once in a while.
noted that azilana...
or better yet... add "Filex" prior to the title of the thread....
Its not a problem.. I am in awe of the Filexpat group for their activity and programs..
I find the topics quite exciting at times and then get disappointed when I ca't participate..
I wish some NEWBIEs are like you.
please try to be more careful in posting.
Just "tagalize" (I-Tagalog na lang hane) the title so the non-Filipino will know it's from FIL-EXPATS...
thank you :-)
As vezes leio estes absurdos que me fazem pensar, de onde e que esta gente sai?
*Some times I read this absurdities that makes me wonder, from where this people come from?
When I don't understand the language I just get out and start read one I understand, that might be french, spanish, portuguese, kreol, english our italian, and I hope soon russian.
Tangalog our other language posts I just don't read them...and if I really want too, I just have to learn the language.
Where's the problem?
Check mate.....
Agree with Qatari and Eaglemmannuel. However, I would like one amendment..
I would request that the posters ensure that the Subject / topic in non english based forums should be in the forum language also. I get fed up of seeing an interesting topic in english , opening the thread and discovering that the discussion is in another languge.
I guess the likes of BensoneRafiq & CUTEYDOG would be able to come to see (common)SENSE and try not to bully others.
Well said, Qatari.
BR - "As we all know Qatar Living is being used by a lot of people with a lot of foreign languages therefore, English should be used as a medium language for this QL."
Aside from the fact that the rule is English on the main forum - re BR's post, why should EVERYONE use English as the medium language throughout all of QL? when:-
1) There are many who cannot read or write English well or at all and thus, are hesitant or shy to post for fear of embarrassment but nevertheless, they have important opinions to share with others.
2) English is not the most widely spoken language in the world. It's Mandarin.
Don't want no drama,
No, no drama, no, no, no, no drama
thanks qatari for your explanation. i hope all QL members, especially those non-tagalog speaking ppl who keep on posting rude comments under filexpat group, asking the group to stop commenting in tagalog, can now understand.
Nicely said Qatari....
BensoneRafiq why don't you make your own group that speak your own language. That way you can blend in eh.
Heard your wife left you,
How upset you must be.
But don't fret about it...
She moved in with me.
i'm using QL since more than one year and the first time i read these guide lines. interesting!! thank you qatari.
this is the real beauty of this century. people of differnt colours, languages, religions, races and interests live together whether we talk about the real life of an online community. i love it when i see tagalog and urdu threads here, awesome.
Thank you for your comment but QL already has established norms on how we deal with languages.
Furthermore it is not your right to tell people they are not welcome or that they should use another site.
We welcome people of different culture and languages. Many people have groups on Qatar Living where they speak their own language. Please feel free not to join those groups or participate in them.
The language on the main forum is English.
Please see our guidelines for more information :
English .