urgent urgent urgent

By newsinatra •
hi all, is it possible to take the test for driving lisence directly ( without school ). if i already have a driving lisence and International driving lisence from my country (indonesia)? thanks for the answer GOOD DAY.
take the short course, you will be familiar with the test procedures and everything will be streamlined through the driving school, best of luck.
This is not an urgent question, why did you say Urgent, Urgent, Urgent!!! Go to driving school!!
Yes you can but it's very risky, it's better to take some courses, let's say 12 course (1 week) and then you will be ready to go for the test otherwise you will fail at 90%.
How or why is this "URGENT, URGENT, URGENT???
yes u can if u go in person to the police and ask for scheduling a test,since you have international licence also. they usually accept but if they don't
u can just regsiter at school for minimum courses (no need to attend at all) and get the signs book to pass the signals test then u get to make the road test, but now u have the option to drive automatic car while tested instead of manual which makes it harder for them to make up execuses for not granting you the licence.
it is available to have test directly
for some nationalities
u can go and make sure
The Answer to yuor questions is No.
no, you have to go to school.it is much more practical