You wont believe it...Ezdan, again

It is past 4am. In two hours I leave to work. Couldnt sleep because thanks to some "amazing" job done with the pipes... there is some water leaking from this pipe enclosed in a little cabinet (god knows what goes on these people minds when they built it) and each drop sounds like a drum....
Of course, if the ENGINEEEEEEERS work as they do from 10 to 5... at 4 in the morning, no need to even try and call them.
Really.. this place is a freaking joke... I wonder if the "ego booster" who believes he is running this place really take himself seriously... or maybe he does ... and we are the stupid fools who signed a contract.
Mata hari... thats a good idea... despite the fact the "engineeeeeeeeers" took days to fix it... somehow i dont think it is definately "fixed"....
Could help you not to hear the leaking:-) Look, I'm in Doha for almost 2 years and since first month I started to use ear plugs...It was impossible to get rest cause of constructions everywhere around and trucks downloading in the night, cause of my "midnight" high-heels lady neighbor, car races around, horning, water pumps on terrace, throwing the garbage on chute only late in the night *crying face*'s hard to talk about civic laws here. Anyway, either they are less civic-minded or ppl are losing their respect in this country...All kind of respect!
I LOVE these story-lines.
Even though some complaints are not very realistic.
"The grass at the neighbors always seems greener, once at the neighbors you'll find.... greener grass elsewhere"
Live life to the fullest, no problems only solutions.
Engineer in the form of a little boy with mop was very funny ahhahaha
CONFUSE ............ if you cannot convince!
just an update...called in for the "engineeeers" for the water leakage... they sent a little boy with a mop.
really... HOW MUCH WORSE can this place get???????
These buildings were used as the Games Officials Village during the Asian Games.
I was invited to a dinner with some games officials at that time in Block 1 (I think). One of them works as a Municipal Building Inspector in Australia and the other was a Civil Engineer in Canada. Both of them echoed that if those buildings were built in their countries they would not give it a permit to operate. Shoddy construction work was apparent. There were a lot of safety hazards specially for families with small children.
It rained for a week that time and they had to evacuate several floors because all the rooms in the affected floors were flooded. I think this was on Block 2 but there were also leaks and problems on the other Tower blocks.
So I guess those who do not know the history of the place would really be the ones renting them now. I pity them because apparently the developer just did patchwork instead of fixing the problems.
UKEngQatar, i wouldnt be surprised...either that or a local. I dont really know for sure. Just a guess.
Please check my other post from last night about the fire alarm... unbelievable.
carol is this ego booster by any chance a lebanese?
thanks everyone for your support and funny words sometimes!
could only go to sleep around 5 when I was totally worn out...
just to let you know, I called the "engineeeeeeers" they are only available after 10... do I need to make any comment?
carol.. do you think it happens only in Ezdan? oh nooo.. ALL qatar is built/created/'developed' THIS way. Since my first day in Qatar till today i cannot stop wondering WHY everything gets broken here in no time... everything... The A/C that we bought used to work for 1 week only, then the compressor was gone. Boiler in my friend's very new house started leaking on the third day. TV, Home centre (sound system), satellite, vacuum cleaner, dishwasher.. EVERYTHING gets broken with amazing regularity...Just recent observation. I think in whole world the fridge supposes to be in use at least for 8-10 years.. at very least.. here, after 6 months this cooling gas in the fridge (how do you call it?)is...finished! Like, WTH? Do they put this gas in the fridges much less here than anywhere in the world?? or what??
so carol.. take it easy.. use your sense of humor.. otherwise you will get nuts very soon... :)
“You become responsible forever for what you have tamed”. Antoine de Saint-Exupéry
Thanks for the morning chuckle. My husband and I visited the place and couldn't believe the conditions there. It was dangerous to walk over there. I stepped onto a step and it gave way, cracking etc. We couldn't stop shaking our heads at all of the craziness. It is falling apart before its even completed.
Yeah Da..... I'm gonna give bullets to my stalker. Right.
no no no no no no no nottttttttttt that one the magazine you use in a gun loaded with bullets :/
Ew, THOSE magazines DaRuDE? Ick.
Thanks for the tip, Brit :-D
stop getting nasty with the poor lady
be very careful when bringing the mags for DaRuDe.. I think Playboy and Hustler are banned here..
you get back and dont forget to bring all those magazines i told you ok. :P
Nope Da, still in la-la land. Go stalk someone else!
are you back in Doha. am getting bored dont have any one to stalk :D
Ooh Darude, can I name him, please please? lol j/k, I'm not in the mood to be deported today :-D
Yep, he does everything on the cheap.
I have my own theory, but you will probably poo-poo the idea as usual..
I believe that Ezdan is actually a state of the art "laboratory" to test human endurance and psyche. the Ezdan management is really a bunch of Aliens from that distant planet Magarathea. They spend most of the time in a parallel intergalactic vortex which makes them "non existent" on this earth. The sole purpose of buildings is to monitor human behaviour in controlled and tense environment and feed the results back to the Magatherians prior to sending an invasion force to take over the planet..
As for your question. YES! we are the stupid fools who signed a contract.
name the owner here
but there are alot of other complaints from his other owned apartments too alot of them. the suppliers are surprised the material they order for all his projects are the cheapest one on market.
I have a history as a maintenance manager, and find it hard to believe they do not have 'on-call' technicians. I suggest you phone them and tell the a pipe has burst and your apartment is under water.
Did you Google it first?
You can't teach experience...