CAn U sTOp fEEdiNG ur caT?....iF then Do TEll mE..i'LL gET ouT Of thiz SICk sAD lITTle PLaCE...wEll I'vE Got mY GuitaR tO tuRN on THIZ MUte sHOW.....+++...i wISh To dIE baNGinG head..++..
R U sUre i caN finD theM...i THInk NO..cOZ lasT timE i mET twO guYS WiTH AloNG HAir N rinGS n BRACElETS too n I ASked THem...dO thEY plaY GuitaR?...N thEY turNed awaY FRoM Me..sO SAD.........
iT'S reaLLy FRUStraTiON HerE WHen U CAn'T Get WHAt uR bodY reaLLy Need..JUSt haVE thaT Few RIffs And scREAm THIZ linES ouT thEN u'LL FinD THAt u'Re cOMIn baCK inTO LifE..i'M dYINg hERE....
aLl THe tIMe pUttinG THAt eaR PhonE MAkes Me WONder...WHer aM I?....aNd I JUSt sEArch INto THE POckET..And PLAy aGAin...REVolUTIon iz My naME...........
GooD guiDE..buT i ThINK u nEEd sOME oTHer ONe TO buY Ur tICkeT..Coz THIS head's AlreADy bOOked To mETAl...aND i loVe tO dELIvER Some mETAl sHITS tO Ur DOOrwaY, iF u cOULD onlY SaY one TIMe..HEAvY MetaL ruLES lOLLLLL
With global slowdown, the demand for metals has decreased resulting in cheaper prices. But daaym, gold prices are rising everyday! lolz!
Seriously, if u wanna meet metal fans, go to national or corniche on weekends, u'll find many wearin leather jackets, dingo boots, bandana etc.(+ snoopdog/eminem/dre tshirt inside) the works!
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CAn U sTOp fEEdiNG ur caT?....iF then Do TEll mE..i'LL gET ouT Of thiz SICk sAD lITTle PLaCE...wEll I'vE Got mY GuitaR tO tuRN on THIZ MUte sHOW.....+++...i wISh To dIE baNGinG head..++..
iN ur baRE HAnd Let Me RESt In pEAce.DiE YounG......
...+++...i wISh To dIE baNGinG head..++..
- Drac, bro... talk to my hand!
- Ok Drac!
Lol PM- Now he's lucky because you're here and now he has someone to talk to. MeTaLL mUUssiiC anYonE.. :P
Try sOMetIme TAlKINg TO ursELf..It woN't bE a baD DEAl............
R U sUre i caN finD theM...i THInk NO..cOZ lasT timE i mET twO guYS WiTH AloNG HAir N rinGS n BRACElETS too n I ASked THem...dO thEY plaY GuitaR?...N thEY turNed awaY FRoM Me..sO SAD.........
iT'S reaLLy FRUStraTiON HerE WHen U CAn'T Get WHAt uR bodY reaLLy Need..JUSt haVE thaT Few RIffs And scREAm THIZ linES ouT thEN u'LL FinD THAt u'Re cOMIn baCK inTO LifE..i'M dYINg hERE....
aLl THe tIMe pUttinG THAt eaR PhonE MAkes Me WONder...WHer aM I?....aNd I JUSt sEArch INto THE POckET..And PLAy aGAin...REVolUTIon iz My naME...........
FiGHtinG the woRLD foR the RIghT To plaY..heaVy mETAl IN My bRAin....KeeP rocKINg..aND Don'T foRGet thaT MetaL rulESSSSSSS
U gRew wIth mETAl..HMM...ya My KEYboaRD HAS a SomETHinG In It....LIKe IT plaYS mETAl..TYpes MetaL..And hOLDS mORe thaN 5000 metaL Anthems...
ThaNks...I'M JusT A NeW yEAr...I'll TRy sOOn..................
bUT to FIND thaT kindA mETAl, I Don'T NeeD To gO THERE..cOZ mETALS' IN Me..N in THIZ RUSty HEAD whER StiLL thaT AMplIFIER echoES............
Hey! don't forget Linkin' Park! I Love them!
JUSt FInisHed BAnGINg hEAD INto THe lUNgs Of mETAllICA...THey RUles MAn................
GooD guiDE..buT i ThINK u nEEd sOME oTHer ONe TO buY Ur tICkeT..Coz THIS head's AlreADy bOOked To mETAl...aND i loVe tO dELIvER Some mETAl sHITS tO Ur DOOrwaY, iF u cOULD onlY SaY one TIMe..HEAvY MetaL ruLES lOLLLLL
I used to have a Death Metal band in Canada. It's fun to play and gets the doha frustration out....
With global slowdown, the demand for metals has decreased resulting in cheaper prices. But daaym, gold prices are rising everyday! lolz!
Seriously, if u wanna meet metal fans, go to national or corniche on weekends, u'll find many wearin leather jackets, dingo boots, bandana etc.(+ snoopdog/eminem/dre tshirt inside) the works!
You wont get metal mainstream here.... rocking out to Pantera on your iPod is the best it is gonna get :)
"Diplomacy is the art of saying 'Nice doggie' until you can find a rock - Will Rogers"
I was searching too dude! here's what I found..
Kakka do i look like the person who posted this thread, im trying to mess around with his head... i didn't ask for an oxford assistant here.
Lebanon... the love of my soul!
I Am MeTaL DuDe! It'S A NeW TyPiNg SkIlL, I'm LeArNiNg ThE RoPeS. RoCk On DuDe!
Not really into metal. Wearing Armour went out of style in the middle ages.
BTW, I think you need a new keyboard. Your current one seems to have an intermittent CAP LOCK fault.
Did you Google it first?
i can't imagine if public chat forum such as QL is a thing of the metal rockers, bro.
go to bars and discos and speak with the hotel / club managers.
Aluminium is also a Metal. In Idustrial area you can find all sorts of metal including Aluminium.
i like metallica's song
I prefer Aluminum... but if u want metal fans u can go to the industrial area, u will find them there... :P lmao
Lebanon... the love of my soul!