Man shoots toilet ! Where is RP ????

A US man had his gun confiscated after he accidentally shot a lavatory bowl in a restaurant toilet.
The 26-year-old man's handgun went off while he was hitching up his pants, reports the Salt Lake Tribune.
Police say the bullet shattered the toilet and sent sharp shards into the man's arm which required hospital treatment.
Nobody was badly hurt in the incident, in Centreville, Utah, but a woman in a neighbouring toilet complained of chest pains.
Police confiscated the man's firearm, for which he had a permit.
Police spokesman Lt Paul Child said: "The gun fell out of the holster, striking the tile floor. When the gun hit the floor, it went off.
"He was a little shook up, so we just wanted to take it right then and allow him time to gather himself before releasing it to him."
UK it wasnt hijacked :P
Lebanon... the love of my soul!
I was expecting to read about such a sad ending to this story ...
Do not dwell in the past, do not dream of the future, concentrate the mind on the present moment. (Gautama Buddha)
perfect Hijack Theo boy.. But I like
ssshhhh... lol...
Arecel, RP or UKeng might be right, but thats a secret u see... it could be cheney's or it could be cheney's working with british working secretly with arabs... conspiracies :P
The middle man could be hosni mubarak... u never know..
Lebanon... the love of my soul!
lol thexonic..but i agree with red pope and UK eng! the diner is american from cheney's family! i wonder who the middle man is?
arecel, the gun was a russian made which was exported to USA via Iran and it was a second hand gun being sold on ebay. It was suppose to be sent to hamas but some guy in the middle thought selling it on ebay would get him more money.
Lebanon... the love of my soul!
But what of the gun itself? where is it made? israel? "i'm aiming for this target but it went off to another?"
UKeng, according to Al Jazeera's resources it has been proven that the toilets were from the German brand called "Grohe" but was originally made in china :P
The diner was british like I said, the guy must have been an Lebanese or Palestinian American :P
Lebanon... the love of my soul!
Thats just leaves the Diner a dumb ass American...(no offence)
Still a british restaurant and canadian woman. I bet the management was probably Indian and the owner was Emarati :P
Lebanon... the love of my soul!
With Lebanese
Lebanon... the love of my soul!
Probably was a cousin from the Dick Cheney family, no mr president, i was aiming at the deer!
hes lucky it hit the bowl not the ball
r7...Oh,.....u haven't seen him fly in air and kicks off 14 people in one shot...
Lol rizks...Be careful...He might be the next CM of TN ...
lool R7
His Stunts are really deadly ones n Funny too...:)
Yet to see a real Any gangsters here???
Isn't this precisely why guns have 'safeties'?
Did you Google it first?
Rizks have u seen where Rajni throws a Knife n splits the bullet to kill 2 people :P hehehe nothing beats that !!
Luckily he didn't shoot his P***s off or worse shoot some else around...
What a Dumbass.. I don't think every tom DICK and Harry should be allowed to have a gun in the first place..
was just imagining If it was Rajnikant's stunt in this scene. The bullet striking the tile floor and hitting the roof and coming back n hittin the woman in the neighbouring toilet...:)
Thank God he didnt shoot his own *****...LOL