What should i do?

By Fatima2591 •
iam fedup i spend my whole life in Qatar. iam here since when was born now i need work permit for my husband so that he can also come here and iam not getting it. after spending my half life almost in Qatar iam getting any facility.is it fair?every day i sumbitted his resume on many places with a hope may be he'll get job and visa but novail :(. any one have an answer? what should i do? i dont want to go back my home land
My husband has done MBA in first div and he has very gud experience with gas company. besides this he is looking job in administration area.
Azizti,we have to face bitter trouth of our life here.We are just visiter here for limited rights.Qatar is for Qataries and we have to accept this fact.Here lot of people from different countries, living here from more than 4 decads,they are Arabs and born here and after spending this much time now they are in great sturggle for existence because they can not renew work permit after 60 and their childrens are not able to sponsor them and they can not stay in their own country,since their family is here.Tere are so many many stories how families are distroyed.We have to accept it.
Try to get a visit or business visa and ask him to come. If that is also difficult, bring him through tourist visa and ask him to try for some job directly.
you being whole life in Qatar, still doesnt know how to bring u r hubby. Bring him on visit & then both try for his Jobs, Consider any other options available. If u can spend money u can get any tangible things.
I suggest, bring him on a visit visa, let him search a job in the mean time, if he got any offer he can exit then enter the country with a working visa, and if not then you better join him in your land home
Gd luck !
could u tell me what he's QUALIFICATION
try UAE at least u will have some self respect better than here. and he might find a betterr offers than here unless u havea BIG WASTAAAAAAAAA , and u know what is that mean , some vitamin W
if what you've been doing (sending his CVs in many places) is not working, then it's time you change strategy. maybe he needs to upgrade his qualifications, maybe you guys need to look at opportunities at other countries. your options are limitless, unless you put those limits upon yourself. good luck!
You can find open visa for him but for that you have to pay some amount so if you have enough money just go to some private companies. They can arrange visa for you
Best of luck
Maybe your husband has a ban on him! you know! immigration in these middle east countries are not like most places. Seems like you have to be hired by a company to work there before you can go there, seems like woman can not sponsor their husbands, seems like its a hell of a hard time getting out of there if you do something wrong(but not illegal) anyway its a funny place to be. Since you spent half your life their trying to get your husband with you, why don't you try spending the other half on you and him applying for work visa to another country like qatar but with easier rules. You can earn decent wages in other countries too ya know and if you and your husband have special skills apply to come to canada on a work visa program, if you have documentation of your education and skills you should be ok to come, No harm in trying for it
Good Luck
you should sponsor him, if not and you realy love him than join him.
What nationality is your husband & whats his qualification?