The Gaza Conspiracy

It is clear that the events of Gaza are proceeding according to a meticulously prearranged scenario and executed by the outgoing Bush administration in preparation for the handover of the Middle East issue to the Barack Obama’s administration on 20th January 2009. Hence, Ehud Olmert’s cabinet acted only after receiving the American green light to bomb Gaza with all that barbarity, causing all those massacres and devastation amid the silence of the international community and the conspicuous regional collaboration. It is even noted that the Bush administration is encouraging “Israel” to pursue the military operations that reflect the extent of the brutality and hideousness in dealing with an unequal adversary and unarmed civilians, in a very densely populated area. Bush and the American shadow in Europe, Sarkozy, put emphasis on generating the pretences for “Israel” to pursue her open war, by issuing successive statements on “Israel’s” right to defend itself against the mostly makeshift missiles launched by Hamas, as the truce expired, which “Israel” never adhered to and never lifted her blockade on the Gaza Strip under the same pretence. The cabinet of Olmert wants in fact to please and at the same time contain the Israeli rightwing after the clear increase in its popularity, which makes it favourite to win the forthcoming elections. Tzipi Livni hopes, by outbidding the right, to win some votes in the elections, thus enabling her to fulfil America’s stipulation in respect of the peace process, which will lead to settling the Palestinian issue.
It seems that Barack Obama who has so far remained silent, considering that “America has one single president”, will inherit the issue as the “Israeli” rightwing will have realised that military might could not shake off the position of “Israel’s” enemies, though it may be capable of causing an impact on them, that Hamas could not be defeated, that its popularity at home and abroad has increased and that the whole world has witnessed the unjustified crimes that “Israel” has perpetrated, through the live coverage of the horrific killing of women, children and elderly, and the merciless annihilation of entire families. Hence, the international pressure will focus on compelling “Israel” to agree to a ceasefire and to reopen the commercial border crossings; the regional pressure will focus on the same with the added warning of a popular outburst as the masses have set about condemning the silence of the rulers harshly. This may lead to a “no war no peace” situation that preceded the current peace treaties with some states; such a situation could generate the possibility of a war that would be harsher on “Israel” than that of July 2006, which dented the pride of the “Israeli” army, deemed by the rightwing and the rest of the Jews as the guardian of the “Israeli” state’s acquisitions.
The war on Gaza and the resulting mass response, the widespread anger, the projection of “Israel’s” unprecedented crimes before the whole world and the beginning of “Israel’s international isolation, coupled with the implicit threats by Turkey and other countries, all this will exert pressure on the “Israeli” public opinion, because it has been observed that no sooner the pressure on the “Israeli” public opinion started to ease, than it reverted to rejecting the American peace project. Hence, the war on Gaza is expected to lead to settling the Middle East issue under the auspices of the United States and on the basis of recommendations that had been endorsed by the American decision makers and which the Obama administration will execute. The main recommendation is to give the settling of the Palestinian issue a “special priority”, as some observers deemed it as the main gateway that the new president should enter to settle the issues of the region. Daniel Senor, a former foreign policy advisor in the administration of George Bush and currently an Adjunct Senior Fellow for Middle East Studies at the Council on Foreign Relations said “the impact of those events will extend beyond 20th January; hence the Middle East will be a high priority on the next president’s agenda.” Barack Obama with his administration is likely to lead the world in solving complex issues, mainly the Middle East crisis, as America endeavours to change her image in the world from that of dominion and arrogance to that of a leadership that requires from her, with regards to the Palestinian issue, to stop treading on the interests and the aspirations of the people of the region and from increasing their oppression for the sake of preserving the safety of “Israel” which has been the viewpoint of the people of the region towards America for decades. The Obama administration will assume solving other complex issues such as the Kashmir and the Afghan crises. This will strengthen the ability of America and her new administration to solve other world crises and change her ugly image before international public opinion. Obama announced on 1st December 2008 his intention to undertake a host of changes in the US foreign policy; he said: “We will renew old alliances and forge new and enduring partnerships.” This was in line with his recent comment on the events in Gaza. He expressed deep concern and added: “After January 20, I'm going to have plenty to say about the issue, and I am not backing away at all from what I said during the campaign, that starting at the beginning of our administration, we are going to be engaged effectively and consistently in trying to resolve the conflict in the Middle East.”
It is worth mentioning here the emergence of the role of Turkey, the sponsor of the Syrian-“Israeli” peace talks. This role was confirmed through the strong language with which Erdogan addressed those who “spread lies”, namely “Israel”. He accused the Zionist entity of violating the truce, exaggerating the threat posed by the missiles of Hamas and lacking the pretext for its disproportionate atrocities. Erdogan’s comments carried an implicit threat to “Israel” backed by the unprecedented demonstrations that numbered one million. It seems that America has assigned to Turkey the task of exerting pressure on “Israel” in addition to leading mediation that could either lead to negotiations under the auspices of the forthcoming Obama administration or to a deadlock with consequences that could be detrimental to the so-called state of “Israel”. The Turkish role was further emphasised by the failure of the Arab League and the OIC to hold a summit, the bias of the European stance led by Sarkozy and the absence of an international resolution.
Now I don't want to get into a fight here, but what is with you Supernurse? Negative, childish and really sad.
On pretty much every forum i'm reading, and i'm new, so god only knows what impression you give to anyone else on here. You know, you really should try to get out more baby, you are spending too much time on the internet.
Alexa I hope you had a nice sleep last
Me and SN did try to reason with these guys..Anyway its over now..I hope..
The key to winning these arguments - and I don't mean just here on QL - is to adopt a reasoned, educated, balanced position that at least appears to take the other side into consideration. Resorting to name-calling, hysteria, appealing to photos of dead children, however heartrending and compelling, will diminish your argument. THIS IS WHAT THE ISRAELIS KNOW AND HAVE BEEN SO SUCESSFUL AT. This is why Israel, until now, has appeared to win the propaganda war. Please, you don't want to turn off the Western world, as complicit as you may believe them to be. They can be your best friend, or your worst enemy. Do you remember after 9/11 when the sympathy of the world was with the US and how Bush blew it? Let's not blow this opportunity to appeal to the world's better angels by ugly rhetoric and hateful dialogue. Don't let others dismiss Arab and Muslim appeals by appearing "extremist." It's an opportunity for opening peoples' hearts not for closing their minds by insulting them.
Only in one case. When the girls write the answers on their thighs and I have a chance to catch them. OPSSSSSSSS
Yes EcoSavy it is not in your blood to swear..right but it is in your blood to call some one nasty words which mean worse than I said before..grow up and get out more..
and for what reasons? You have to be partner in good deeds not in bad/filthy deeds
You are a warrior. Difficult or rather impossible to defeat.
Still trying to figure out how did you find the source.
Did read the full article from its source in English and Arabic. I came up with a conclusion that it is a conspiracy against the innocent citizens who are caught in the middle of the fire shot by all the players
Long time no c.
Still could not sleep. waiting for the bedtime story:)
you forgot your hotchpotch days? do I need to post the link
Night KH used the meaning first in a negative way, so I would assume you know the meaning, albeit, not in the correct way, but we get the gist......
I am really impressed with all ur true colours ooops I mean your professions
You should tell them a bed time story. Otherwise the fighting will continue.
Good evening/Goodnight my friends:)
line, will you pls explain me the meaning? supernurse
PM I dont mind personal attack but do get pissed off when I see others being attacked..It better to fight with words than
Eco-savy..ha ha so perfect..bird brains..cant see the bigger picture..narrow minded..t**t
I am not as thunk as you drink I am!
Eco-savvy, ahem, let me put you right honey,.....its 'Birds of a feather, stick together'....feathers of bird may well flock together but make a terrible mess......
tomorrow morning ...
Good Nite all ... Sleep with Peace :-)
See you all tomorrow Morning (if God permit)
Come on guys leave it..what is this becoming a Alexa bashing thread now.
(No subject)
nice to meet you
Eco -Savy get a life man..
cos last time she was serving me liqour. Good to know that she is in different profession
Kee ppl who are 24/7 into similar trade are bound to use those phrases
Da I always wear a hard hat soley for that
Speed yes we need some peace and here Sir I am trying to
I am not as thunk as you drink I am!
Da i know you love to be a referee always .... LOL
Kee, Alexa, PM, Angie, onefat.... PEACE :-)
you just keep your head covered i dont want you to get designs on your bald head man :D
Did I hear some cats fighting..meow meow AngieUk, Alexa nd Kee32.someone definately is gonna get the claws if you girls dont go to bed soon..
I am not as thunk as you drink I am!
I am on the chocolate substitute as i have failed on the first two pieces of advice!
never mind.... the best is yet to come eh?
Hi Alexa (quick response!, you must be bothered)..
Well thanks for the 'quicky' (to which i am sure you are very well versed)
And thanks for the chocolate tip, I am sure you know enough about enjoying life, eating and 'getting laid'..
tell me, do you start on the chocolate before or after seeing your reflection in the morning?
touche hun, now lets be good and stop with the nasty comments, before you try to get the claws out, remember that there is always a super sexy quick witted type like me wearing my cape to put you down
night night
Alexa - I think you'll find you started the rather infantile exchange on here.
I will rise above it on this occasion though. ;o)
stop fighting and go get in bed and sleep like nice baby yalla or me will get stick and beat you all :P
PM differences yes, but not to the extent that you start hating each other.
Aha Alexa! You have a stalker!!!
Au contraire Alexa - for you to continue to reply means you're bothered - Success!
UkEngQatar - well said again.
Britexpat - ok I give you that. Its a fair comment actually and the lack of action from the muslim world is indefensible.
PM I said in any form. If your preaching hatred among your fellow muslims then I beleive the word is a munafiq. The one who betrays..his brother..
If you gonna fight among yourself then dont expect anyone else to save you.. Hamas and Fateh fightings has not helped the plight of the poor palestinians..
Leave that minx Tzipi Livni out of this..
The article whilst making some valid points is rather naive in its assumptions, especially regarding Turkey.
The simple fact is that whilst Israel DID plan the current hostilities and waged a propoganda war, the Palestinians played straight into their hands. The Muslim world and Arabs saw the signs on the wall , but failed to take neccessary action.
Look back into the history of Israel's incursions.. They always begin with the assumption that there will be a ceasefire call sooner , rather than later. In all cases , israel complies, AFTER it has achieved its objectives.
The same has occurred this time..
This is reality. Face it!
AngieUK...bit below the muffin top don't you think?
OK Peace all.. The so called exterime Muslims and the so called moderate muslims and so called non muslims..
Lets all agree from the little knowledge that I know that Islam means peace so muslim should be the one who preaches peace. Anyone preaching hatred in any form in my opinion is any thing but a true muslim.
Alexa, asking Kee to get laid is probably not the most constructive thing to say , especially when you admit to being a pussey.
I am sure that getting laid is your full and final career aspiration, but I don't think it is hers. She is actually concerned with the plight of an oppressed people. You, however seem to be concerned with fornication with whoever and whatever. I believe you are on the wrong forum.
May I suggest
You may find what you are looking for there.
Thanks hun
All the best and remember to use protection
Hahaha... very very mature Alexa! I'm loving that reply! You seem to appear just to support your mates on here.. aren't they able to argue a point without mum?
Kee32....grow up love and leave the educated to post their opinions......
OneFatAmerican - don't waste your time opening up a debate with the likes of those commenting... Don't you know they are they always right (!!!), with unbelievably and unquestionably accurate knowledge (!!!) on this entire issue.
I'm embarrassed to be a Westerner right now, with the tirade of anti-palestinian nonsense allowed on this website at a time when people are losing their lives. You're all so so brave behind your PC's aren't you!
Everyone is allowed their view, but I find it quite amusing that PM particularly makes a point from a hugely patronising and condascending starting point. I would even doubt PM is a muslim - you ought to be deported from this Country and made to live amongst those you hold so close to your heart... the Zionists.
And BritExpat - I take exception AND offence at your evident praying at the alter of the evil, murdering Tzipi Livni. Though I suspect your sources of information on the entire conflict are pretty right-wing anyway...
Thank the good lord there are many many americans and brits on here NOT supporting your/PM's warped views - so the Palestinians and indeed the Arabs reading this can be assured we're not all butt-kissing the Neo-cons and Zionists....
Salax85..I have advised, corrected, warned PM with evidences on some of the errors in her positions...i understand that, without being presumptuous, that muslims who have converted to Islam from western societies come in two forms.
1)Those who adopt Islam whole heartedly; change their lifestyles; sacrfice old friendships for new ones; and convey Islam without regard to their own well being.( you will find these people in the prisons of the rulers of the muslim world; in the poor areas, amongst the people etc)
2)Those who adopt ISlam but for the wrong reasons; make Islam fit with their lifestyle; justify their positions by twisting the Islamic texts to suit them and compromise their ISlam to gain recognition and reward in this life. ( you will find these people being referred to as moderates; sufis; those like Hamza Yusuf, Qaradawi; Tariq Ramadans of this world..those who sell their souls for money)
Of course an important factor in conversions to Islam is to be guided by the right type of people. This can make a big difference to the outcome.
The Prophet (saw) and his noble companions (ra) were uncompromising; they were turned away by their families; many of them were killed whilst conveying Islam; they were boycotted, starved and tortured. They did not flinch nor did they flatter the masses to get accepted; rather they conveyed Islam as it was. In the end they were victorious. The same will happen for the muslims when they adopt a similar stance and approach to ISlam.
The prophet (Saw) said ; There will come a time when holding onto Islam is like holding onto a hot coal...
PM...what is wrong with you? You claim to be a muslim so why don't you behave like one?
I received the Analysis and posted what I deemed the most appropriate content for the users on QL...I don't think the Liberation Pary is interested in Qatar from what I hear.
Your reaction is why I didn't source it. Stop wasting peoples time by highjacking the thread with useless comments.
Very well said Britexpat!
"Those who are not with us are against us"
I take offence at people having a go at the awesome Tzipi Livni..
So, this was all planned.. What is wrong with that.. Why didn't the Arabs see the signs ? The Egyptians have been in the thick of things, so why didn't they see the warning signs and alert their allies?
As I keep saying, stop blaming and take concrete steps to make yourselves as good as or even better than your enemies..
okay, if it's finish, pass the paper. Let get the others opinion. Noted. So, what's next?
"dgoodrebel will always be the rebellious good one"
Please concentrate on the content not the source...this is not an essay in which the author needs to be is Analysis on the events unfolding in Gaza and their ramifications whislt outlining the main characters involved in this conspiracy...
The general outline presented in the analysis is sound whilst it is acknowledged that some of the micro projections may turn out to be invalid because the main actors (US and her agents) will adjust their plans according to how the realities turn out on the ground...
let it be proven?!...
but I would not see it as a 'Conspiracy' (ie no over reaching orhcastrated hand hovoring over it) rather an analaysis of the situation with some possible insights into future events.
We shall see in time, won't we?
"Deaths in the Bible. God - 2,270,365
not including the victims of Noah's flood, Sodom and Gomorrah, or the
many plagues, famines, fiery serpents, etc because no specific numbers
were given. Satan - 10."
"Everything in this book may be wrong." Illusions: The Adventures of The Reluctant Messiah by Richard Bach
ref please?
"Those who are not with us are against us"