serves him right... :)

Councillor slammed for using false name to praise own work
LONDON: A British councillor has come under fire after being caught using an alias to praise his own work on the local newspaper’s Web site.
The Daily Echo in Bournemouth, on the south coast of England, decided to name and shame Ben Grower after he posted comments under several names.
He admitted using false names but said it was a legitimate way to put his views across.
In one post, about plans to build Europe’s first artificial reef nearby, Grower wrote: “At least two councillors seem to be concerned about this mess. Well done councillors Ratcliffe and Grower.”
In another, he praised himself among other “councillors who care about their residents” over a planning matter.
“As far as I am concerned this has and always will be a legitimate means of making comments,” the councillor said in an email to colleagues.
“It is perfectly legitimate to use pseudonyms as indeed many others do.”
But councillor Claire Smith said: “Things like this cannot happen or the trust breaks down between councillors and members of your ward (area).”
The newspaper said it respected its readers’ right to anonymity but “we felt that when a councillor pretends to be somebody else to improve his reputation that it is of sufficient public interest to tell people about it”. – AFP
sure no problem, just send me the offer letter, then we can talk business... ;)
MJ thats a good career move I think..with the current down turn in the world.. would you like to be considered for one of my helpers..
lol, you do a better job ho-ho-ho'ing than good ol' Santa... maybe he should think about his retirement plans eh.... ;)
MJ lol
ho ho Ho hO ho
lol UkEng let me think about it... ;)
MJ How about a few drink tonight at the Bubbles on 2?
you'd have to bribe me to keep quiet.. ;)
Strictly legal but ethically not. Credibility in the dust. But when the dust settles, people like these will just carry on.
But good thing that this is brought to public attention. It helps support the case for the proponents of better regulation of internet content to prevent abuse.
Total liberty is anarchy. Too much control is an infringement of personal freedoms but total freedom is open to so many abuses by unscrupulous people - many examples: pedophiles, scammers/thieves, predators, misrepresentations (or outward lies) about governments and countries, defamation of persons, etc. etc.
Regulation of internet content is where I disagree with some of my American pals, specifically the IT experts, who advocate continued freedom of the internet to prevent human rights abuses. They have very strong valid arguments for their views but there is the other side that is equally compelling.
IMHO a balance needs to be struck between the 2 compelling rationales and the legislators ought to get their act together. And by this, I mean coming together across borders - because the internet is across borders. It's been a few years and they still haven't got it together. MY, more or less, follows UK's example because of its historical links. The US is quite (ie. very) different.
/Btw, there's a common misunderstanding of the word "quite" - it doesn't mean "sort of" or "just a bit" different .. it means
1 : wholly , completely
2 : to an extreme : positively —often used as an intensifier with a
3 : to a considerable extent : rather
//End of English lesson for the day.
Don't want no drama,
No, no drama, no, no, no, no drama
MJ shssssh please stop advertising my name on QL.. lol Yep thats where I come from. They dont even know that I am out of the
OH my! Oh my!
"There's nothing we can do to change the past, if it teaches you a lesson profit from it then, forget it."