Masa Gym Membership

Anyone intersted in joining Masa Gym in Salwa Rd please contact me.
I am trying to collect as many people willing to join in order to get a discount on membership fees when joining in bulk.
The current yearly rate is 4400 but if several people join at the same time (10), we can get up to 1000 Riyals off. You can join for lesser periods as well.
Currenlty there are 7, including myself willing to join, so if interested please drop me your contact details.
And by the way, you are able to resell/transfer your membership at any time.
hi, contact me on this email [email protected], I am so interested in this offer. Did you negotiate it with the GYM or still just an Idea??
Im not sure dude, you would have to contact the gym to find out. But I would be surprized if they provide such a service. My guess is no they dont.