Visa duration

Dear friends,
please could someone tell me how long it takes for Qatar embassy to issue a Visa? some people say it can takes only 3 days and some of them say it can take even ages. so any one can be a help and tell me or tell us- because i think that so many people want to know this information- what is the minimum and the maximum period to get your Visa?
thank you so much for your understanding :)
those words are rendered beautiful when they become parts of the past. however, when they are still existing in the present, they are no more than a pain and a bitterness that engulfs the mind. notwithstanding, we will never lose hope and we will go on prayers and beseeching till relief comes as you say.
thanks Allah
good luck for evrybody :D
The meaning of worrying,dreaming,anxiety,restless,
excitement:these beautiful words are what you practically experience while waiting to receive your VISA especially WORKING VISA.
Patience and prayers always yield positive results.
Good Luck to all.
Have a Splendid Day!
i've been waiting sine Nov. 2nd for mine, so as many people on this forum...good luck to all of us
Thank you Solidsnake9 for your answer and thank Qatarisun for your answer. I'm talking about work Visa in fact, but i think that you have just answered me. Thank you so much
Good luck for eveybody
Best wishes :)
WHAT kind of visa?? there are tens types of visa.. which one are you talking about?
anyway, you say, some people say it can takes only 3 days and some of them say it can take even ages. Let me tell you the truth: both of them are right, sometimes it might take only 3 days and sometimes it can take forever..
“You become responsible forever for what you have tamed”. Antoine de Saint-Exupéry
In times like these! you need to ask rimlaw... goodluck buddy!
When I write... I believe... I'm honest....