How does a person from another country open....
How is it that a person from the US can open a business here in Qatar? Is it a complicated process? Seems like many things are more difficult than necessary here- well except for driving responsibility, that is.
If anyone has any advice or knows where I can get information, Please advise.
Thanks in advance
try to invest in companey shares at doha stock market, its the easy way to work in business.
anybody can open a business in Qatar under condition of compliance with the minimum requirements of the Commercial Law. You can register a Limited Liability Company (LLC) or partnersship or a Corporation.
Registering an LLC requires capitalization of at least 200,000QR provided a local equity participation of at least 51% is complied. In other words, a foreigner can only invest a maximum of 49% in equity share.
A corporation can similarly be formed with local participation in the same minimum requirement with incorporators of at least 5. Local equity participation is also 51% irrespective of their numerical majority or minority.
In preferred investment areas of oil and gas, the government may grant minimum equity requirement exemptions.