Children winter vacation
Since yesterday climat changed,north effects start decreasing temperature.
From tomorrow onwards children school start opening,and its my observation that here in doha jan/feb is more chill than dec.
If winter vacation starts from 20th dec to 20th jan ,than it will be much better for our beloved kids to protect thier health from viral effects as well as from cold.
comment are welcome......
I prefer to comment when it really work and been consider;
Private English schools in Doha has given a month-off considering all festivals to be covered at one go starting from EID AL ADHA, National Day, Christmas, New in that sense 5 Dec to 3 Jan was perfect.
Climate has nothing to do with education in Qatar,
considering 48-50 degree celcius in September first week with Fasting for young children (mandatory above the age of 12 years onwards) was most difficult.
Before it used to be chilling during December but the winter has been pushed back year after year. Also, December is not given off just for the cold. The holiday mood springs on you early December with the new year (and other festivals) preparations.
However, as a student, I would disagree with UK, I think students need more holidays. Being a student is hard work! :P
Don't agree..There are too many holidays for Kids already. A month in winter is too long. They should have very short winter breaks and longer summer breaks. For most people this weather is like winter but for most us Northern hemisphere this is like a summer/early autumn..