Kindly help me to reduce my anxiety by giving ur opinion

How do u feel
Im from India. On 29th Oct 2008, I attended an interview before the interview board of HMC throgh a reputed recruiting agency at India, Mumbay. The board short listed me for a further telephonic interview with the head of the department at Qatar, and they told me that the date may inform later. the face to face interview was held on 29th oct 2008. then I didnt got any inforation about the telephonic interview until now. how do u feel? will they call me? greatly thanks for ur feedback in advance. or kindly help me by giving the contact of HMC HRD staff(any).
Dear brother
Don't worry. You will get a better job. If you do not give money to anybody for this job , say them go to hell. thats all.
Abdu you are expecting too much. Expand your horizons and try other options. I think your life has stopped the day you applied for job in HMC.
You been posting the same topic over and over and it has become irritating. Don't stop looking for job until the right one comes along.
Good luck.
You're not getting the job. If you were, they would have called you. There's nothing you can do to influence it.