What is the procedure to get Visit visa for my family?

By Indian1975 •
Dear Friends,
I need some information regarding visit visa for family members. I plan to bring my family here so what is the procedure to get it and which documents are required for it. Can I get renthouse for 2 or 3 months period?
To add to leov's good answer, sponsor letter means a No Objection letter from your sponsor to bring your family to Qatar.
About the rent, yes, there are lots of furnished apartments that you can rent for 2 or 3 months only. Check the classifieds section of Gulf times.
Go to nearest immigration office , carry the following documents
1) Ur passport, passport & RP copy
2) Family member's passport copy
3) Sponser letter
4) Type the form in arabic from any typist
Submit to immig office & pay 200 QR fees (credit card accepted) , if everything ok u will get the family visit visa in 2 days .