Now if cockroaches are edible...

By heero_yuy2 •
...I'm guessing we could've saved the human population against starvation/hunger. With as much as there were plenty of cockroaches in every buildings or houses around the world, we can collect all of them and probably feed more than enough people all over the globe.
Well animal welfare ain't giving a damn about cockroach getting extinct, sooo...this is probably the best way to eradicate them.
Eat them.
"Cockroach" Once I had tried, but it was tasteless after than I tried with some salt & chilli, Really that was delicious.
i would like to try the grasshopper
Eeeeiihhhh yuck...
i'd rather starve.. :P
what about this beauty?...
.......yuckhhh foolish!!!........
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who wants to eat me?............silly human beings
been collecting cockroaches in your premise heero?... *cringes with the thought*...
[img_assist|nid=12867|link=none|align=left|width=|height=0]Nothing in life is to be feared. It is only to be understood.
....what the....yyuuukkkk!!!!
jem1988 ~ thanks for the update (i was happy with my sandwich until you decide to say Hi ) =)
~ 200km/h in the Wrong Lane
better than roaches. frogs tastes like chicken. bats,,, well tastes like bats.
In this modern world, internet is the great equalizer.
"Everything in this book may be wrong." Illusions: The Adventures of The Reluctant Messiah by Richard Bach
Cockroaches are threatened with Extinction !
I am going to ask for help with a new thread!
Bloody Regards,
"Everything in this book may be wrong." Illusions: The Adventures of The Reluctant Messiah by Richard Bach
Car accident?? U mean getting squashed.. ;0
This I need to see yet.
Thry must be checking the roaches' blood sugar to know they're diabetic. LOL
"Everything in this book may be wrong." Illusions: The Adventures of The Reluctant Messiah by Richard Bach
i anticipate to visit Mc Roaches in the future,. at least your inspiration from this thread will help me overcome the yackness feeling of devouring the tasty roaches......
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snowstorm...ppl will have factories where roaches will be washed,cleaned and pakced we have MC Donalds ...and then we will have restaurants MC Roaches and KFc will keep the same name "kentchuky fried Cockroaches"'t wait for that time to come...roach shake,,roach fries,,,roach pie,,,roach beer,,yummmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmm...:P
lets hope that "one day" never
i would rather die starving
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i fink a whole hive of flies will be enuf for lunch ..but what about dinner????lol..just imagine friends that one day on earth u have nufin left to eat and ur last option is cockroach...hmmmm...i will order a plate of fried roaches with ketchup and mayonnise...hehe...roach soup will be awesome for winter...:P
Flies r better than cockroaches
"Drink Beer Save Water"
What ever nutritional and hygenic diet you will give to cockroaches but I can eat them and so many other people also.
About the rats in India, yes its true I have even seen some documentaries where rats are holy creatures and they are even worshipped.
I think i will stick to normal diet... lol
Cockroaches aren't poisonous: you could perfectly easily eat them. It's just the places they inhabit are pretty filthy. If you fed them a hygienic diet, they would probably be a good source of nutrition.
The same is true of snails. If you pick up a garden snail and eat it, you'll probably get sick, but if you trap it in a birdcage and feed it on oatmeal for a week, its gut is purged of the nasty stuff it's been eating.
Its more wierd in china.. The minute you see a cat or dog walking across you or a snake crawling in the woods...the next minute its on your plate fried.....
Anthony Bourdain tried frog skin chips in Thailand, he said it was awesome.
I believe him!!
The internet is our revenge machine
Riskz..She's talking about eating Pajju... ;0
yuck! not in this life or in another life either.... i so hate roaches and rodents... i'd rather die starving than eat those yuckies... :P
Yummy !!!
Jamille, i guess u need to give it a try ...:)
M sure u would love it ...:)
yuck to that as well... :P
Hhmmm.... but in some country they do eat rats.. grilled rats.. yuummmmyy..
Heard your wife left you,
How upset you must be.
But don't fret about it...
She moved in with me.
Yuck.. Wierd..
Maybe the rats were just there like that casually, like how rats are there in the bakeries running around pasteries on the shelves in India.. and they still selling it..
a horse or a camel? :P
I watched once in the TV feauring some Hindus (not sure if they're Hindus) place of worship with full of rats inside, am sure its in India.
Rats?? Holy??? No ways.... I dont think so..
am not scared from cockroach, just yuuuckky! lol
am scared from centepede eeeewwwww yaaaayaaay dont like its moving feets. :D
Apple i thin am not humen , i can eat rat cockroache etc etc :)))
Why eat rats? Isn't rats are considered holy like cows for some religion in India?
See what you did.. You scared apple away.. ;)
last nite after this thread start :)
its ok :)
Pajju... When did you shift from rats to cockroaches?? ;p
With all my heart,no way! No hard feelings really, lol
youuu heartless people!!!
yea i do , wanna join me today dinner ? :P
Is it true? do u eat cockroach? :P
my hairs keep on raising about the topic posted...I'd rather die starving than those cretins...That is the reason why I don't want to go to some sidewalk eatery at Thailand...they eat exotic foods....=(
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i did tried last nite cockroach fry , its really tasty :)
I'd rather die starving:(
Believe it or not but in most parts of Thialand people do eat fried and rosted cockroaches. I have seen it many times on TV.
If someone will ask me to eat, I cannot.
yuck,.... i just lost my appetite.... :P
of cockroaches are edible..
In this modern world, internet is the great equalizer.
Now I need to get some real breakfast. Gee Tee Gee! o-O
or barbeque them, be sure to marinate it first. yum yum
my puppies... :(
Lol! But probably the cockroaches around the house isn't enough for my lunch since I eat like a monster. But Heero, that's a brilliant idea and we can even dip the fried cockroaches into the sour cream. Hhhmm.. (hypothetically speaking) Haha!
my mouth started watering!!
Lol...very true!