Ideal Location for Indian Family with a small Child

By anxius to be re... •
I may be shifting soon to Doha as a Middle level sales manager.I am concerned about finding a ideal locality to rent a flat. Key concern being security of my family as my wife will be a housewife & secondly availability of playgrounds / parks in the vicinity for my 2& 1/2 yr old child. Can some one suggest a good locality for indians which does not cost a bomb?(-:
I am not aware of the country's culture, hence the anxiety! Many thanks.
as u r new 2 doha first make sure wer is office loctd. according 2 that u can choose ur accomodation. n let me tell u one thing the whole doha is safe. once u come 2 doha u,ll luv it.n wat,s ur budget if its qr 3500 then u can contact [email protected]
good luk n warm welome 2 doha
place to live
Security is not a problem anywhere in Doha. Indians are in every nook and cranny. You will find friends everywhere. Unfortunately there are not many parks or play areas for children. Find a place using these 2 criteria
1. Budget
2. Near to work (traffic is horrible here, it can take an hour to cross Doha in traffic)
Doha is safe place . You can select NAJMA , MANSOURA area . This area is highly populated by Indians . Everything is available here . Shops , Cinemas , Play groups , Teachers . Private cars etc...
wel come to Doha
Tell us ur budget and u'll get better responses..... IMHO, Old Airport area is very decent and usually fits Indian budgets