How much do you trust the Media?
By Kikination •
Well the media isn't' false all the time. . Like the information they show is true, but they don't tell you everything .
butit comes to politics or religion, i trust the media 40% , mostly i trust Aljazeera.
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All news arriving from agencies are filtered. The people who do this are called "Gate Keepers" in sociology. They have their preferences, social, political, and religious. As brit said, buy all newspapers of the day, make a semantic analysis, find an average for the truth, and then add your own opinion.
The thing that a lot of media outlets like the BBC and Al Jazeera suffer from, is in a way they suffer from "pandering" to people's points of view - I cannot see Al Jazeera getting too popular if it starts giving loads of airtime to the Israelis. It also largely depends on, listening to different reports and different sides but are those different sides even truthful in the first place?
Journalists often have outside sources influencing what they do - and even when what they are doing is the right thing, governments, other people, organisations make their lives hell. Look at that Iraqi journalist lately appparently getting tortured/beaten up simply for expressing his opinion. Says so much for the apparenty "democracy" the americans (and British people for that matter) have been propogating!
I agree with you Brit...CNN's coverage is strangely biased and its clearly understandable even my children. I think the BBC is more diplomatic.
Poverty is not for the sake of hardship. No, it is there because nothing exists but God. Poverty unlocks the door -- what a blessed key!
- Jalaluddin al-Rumi
The secret is to get your "information" from various sources (both left wing and right.. Then you can make a reasonably informed decision.
I find CNN International to be totally different to CNN. There is definitely some pro-Western bias there.
I am for Aljazeera (english). aljazeera needs citizen journalism like the Ireport for CNN.
Poverty is not for the sake of hardship. No, it is there because nothing exists but God. Poverty unlocks the door -- what a blessed key!
- Jalaluddin al-Rumi
what do u guys think Al Jazeera needs to improve ?
Emad =>
Valid points..
I believe that Jazeera is moving in the right direction..By the way, Al-Arabia is "sponsored" by the U.S, so it too is a little biased
I know I'll be biased guys when I say this, as I work in the media myself, but I hope u're not referring this to Qatar. There is absolutely SOD ALL in terms of media freedom (I know one guy here who got arrested and charged on inciting racism and insulting the Qatari people simply becuase he wrote about the labourers getting barred from shopping malls). But in terms of news channels, Al Jazeera is ok - it panders a little too much to one side on certain political areas. But it's getting way better now...And BBC....think though, that the AP and Reuters and all those are probably the most neutral and balanced as they are independent rather than allowing themselves to be affected/coloured by public opinion.
BBC has a good set-up for news in the net only, still i prefer Reuters news groups in the net, Al JAZEERA NEWS has room for improvement, they are getting better.
AL Jazeera TV news group, has come along way, still they are sometimes bias.
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Q: If mothers have Mother's Day and fathers have Father's Day, what do single guys have?
A: Palm Sunday.
I like Al Jazeera and BBC..
As a little known leader named Mahatma Gandhi once said "I believe in equality for everyone, except reporters and photographers"
aljazeera no 1