Jobs for American Passport holder with MBA

By American Citize... •
Good morning everyone. I want to know what level of job (managerial/supervisory?) and salary would I be able to get in Qatar with a BBA and a MBA degree from the United States? I have about 8 years of management experience in running a $100 million business here in the US in the Financial Sector. I was born in Southeast Asia but have been holding American passport for many years. I speak English just like the Natives. I was temporarily a University Lecture here in the US as well. Any comments or suggestions would be appreciated.
just check out his QL id: AMERICAN CITIZEN!
Do u av to use such an id for u to get noticed? American citizen indeed.
Sounds like this so-called american poster we have (or had) in our now defunct or dead website in MY.
Is the "management experience in running a $100 million business" the entertainment industry?
Born in Southeast Asia alright, age wise fits. American passport, maybe and maybe not - if you hadn't given up that choice when you were 18.
And if you "speak English just like the Natives." - Natives of what? Australia? But let's not insult the Aussies - they are nice people.
If you speak english like the natives, you sure are an insult to them as you were "temporarily a University Lecture here in the US as well." You were a lecture, geez.. didn't know inanimate objects could post here.
/Please react as usual so we can read you further.
Don't want no drama,
No, no drama, no, no, no, no drama
Run away or at your own risk you will be shoeted....
Lost in Doha..
that was my 'comment'.. and my 'suggestion' is to get your azz up to the websites and to try looking for the jobs ... lazy bone... as "highly" qulified specialists as yourself usually know how to look for the job and usually don't do it on the public forums...
what an attitude! "FIND THE JOB FOR ME, THE USA PASSPORT HOLDER"!! huh...
“You become responsible forever for what you have tamed”. Antoine de Saint-Exupéry
LOL... brit.. YANKS hate canadians, not the other way around.. canadians do not hate anyone! that's why entire world loves them.. :):)
“You become responsible forever for what you have tamed”. Antoine de Saint-Exupéry
hate the Yanks..
I couldn't agree more QS.
Sure... by saying you've spent 8 years running a company we're supposed to come back and say:
You'll get this job at this level in this company and the salary will be ......
And geez... get over yourself and your American passport.
If you are really so concerned that people will judge you positively because you have a US passport, then you ought to extend your own reasoning furhter and work out that the minute they see you are originally from South East Asia they will throw you in the 'no-good' pile anyway.
is it because we have tim hortons in our blood?lol....
jesus.. you expressed my feelings while i was typing my posts.. :):)
“You become responsible forever for what you have tamed”. Antoine de Saint-Exupéry
just came back and they say you are bullshitting about your profile because if you had such background, you wont be asking such absurd questions in QL.
Are we talking Red indians here or Red Pope ???
what does your passpot have to do with getting the job?
“You become responsible forever for what you have tamed”. Antoine de Saint-Exupéry
Let me ask HR and will get back to you.