Sad...they have no dignity left
By Voyageress •
Yesterday I took a shortcut on foot through a building site (just a stone's throw from the luxurious Salam Plaza near City Center). Imagine my horror when I found that the workmen have no toilet facilities and are forced to defecate into plastic bags which are left strewn around the ground.
mmmmm spose you get what you pay for......
Maybe at the end of the day these poor guys put all the bags into the foundations and have the last laugh...
I guess that after a while out here people just turn a blind eye. Or make excuses for the suffering of their fellow human beings who are living and working in conditions that elsewhere would cause an outcry.
Maybe at the end of the day these poor guys put all the bags into the foundations and have the last laugh...
It's difficult to believe that there could be no toilets *at all* on site.
Where does the site manager crap? Or the architects, design managers, foreman, and the other white collar staff?
Yep, maybe they can't be arsed to walk to the loos....excuse my play on words......
I recall at the Asian Games instances where security guards couldn't be bothered walking to the toilets. They too would leave their mess in odd locations, rather than walking all the way to the toilets.
Don't assume that people crapping into a plastic bag have no alternative, it could just be that they don't think it's wrong.
if not controlled, then our own health will be at risk. Hope it's not too late!
Would a person really choose to use a plastic bag instead of a toilet?
the problem is people think they r disposable
Alexa, I walked along the same ground as all these bags and saw with my own eyes. At first I thought that someone must own kennels nearby...then I realised...
Yes, Fisherman, I'd love to know where Health & Safety Officers are for these poor guys... This is how cholera breaks out!!!
Where are the HSE officers and the humanity in that case
i do not imagine that a worker spends 12 to 15 hrs daily has no toilets or a place to rest