Sex-on-the-beach defendant up to old tricks!

Only last month Vince Acors escaped a prison sentence for having drunken sex on a Dubai beach.
But as these pictures show, the 36-year-old is back doing what he became infamous for - drinking and acting lewdly in public.
Vince Acors strikes a Madonna pose at the brunch
He chose to let his hair down in exactly the same place as he had met 34-year-old Michelle Palmer five months ago.
The photographs were taken at an all-you-can-drink champagne brunch at Dubai's Le Meridien hotel last Friday.
They show businessman Acors drinking, laughing and fooling around for the camera with a group of male and female friends.
One said: 'Vince was drinking and schmoozing girls and didn't seem to have a care in the world. At the end of the evening he was even dancing on his chair.
Acors, who is said to be hoping to sell his story when he returns to Britain, enjoys a clinch with a party girl
'Everyone knew who he was. In fact he was something of a celebrity - and seemed to love being the centre of attention.
'He said he was going back to the UK soon and reckons he is going to make a lot of money selling his story.'
The weekly Le Meridien brunch has become a byword for alcohol-fuelled over-indulgence.
Crowds of young European expats pay just over £50 to eat as much as they can from the luxury buffet and drink as much champagne as possible.
It starts at noon and by 4pm many customers are extremely drunk and dancing either on the small dancefloor or on their tables. On July 4 this year, Acors and publishing executive Palmer - then strangers - met at the same Le Meridien brunch.
For the past five months Acors, a father of one from Bromley, South London, and Palmer, from Oakham in Rutland, have been trapped in the oil-rich emirate as their case progressed through its court system.
After being convicted of public indecency and having unmarried sex, they were sentenced to three months in jail. But two weeks ago the court of appeal suspended the sentences and ordered that they be deported. They are expected back in the UK next week.
Daily Mail
What a nutjob!
I dream of a better tomorrow where Chickens can cross the Road without having their motives questioned - Unknown
I wonder if he'd be leaving the same way if they'd actually made him serve his jail term. I really think that Dubai should have been stricter with these two, what kind of message does it give other expats?
However, note to self, don't go to Le Meridien brunch when in Dubai. :P
I'm just wondering how many people from Qatar will now be booking into Le Meridien for the weekend..
He said he was going back to the UK soon and reckons he is going to make a lot of money selling his story.
Is that all..... an Autobiography of how he got laid & caught.....and he expects to sell it!!!
What's it a 2 page story......The guy seems like a nutcase.
Le Meridien, Dubai is definitely trying to cash in on his fame.
big brother phenomenon in action :D
Very nice.. leaving with a pffftt to the authorities. It's like the juveniles in some countries' buses. Those are graffitidiots. This one is a thankless ingrate.
The suspended sentence should be revoked. Making a mockery of the country. Shameful.
The internet is our revenge machine
There's nothing wrong with having fun but I think he should be discreet. He just made a dirty headline and here he goes again. And who's the b*tch?
He deserves all he gets.
Well he doesn't seem to be doing anything illegal this time, but clearly he's an "awesome" chap, to steal a phrase from Abu.
I wonder why he hasn't left the country yet and secondly I sicerely hope that noone pays him for his story..
saw the pics... now thats one bloody !@#$\%?)(*&
veni, vidi, vici.