The Ring
A girl was sitting on a chair at the gas station she worked at. She looked up and saw her boyfriend walk in. As he was looking at snacks, a man walked in and pointed a gun at her. He had been admiring her ring her boyfriend had given to her as a token of his love. When he asked her to give it to him, she said no. Her boyfriend looked up just in time to see her shot. He ran over to the killer and beat him over the head with a hammer that was for sale. Then he ran and called 911. When the ambulance came, he was sobbing uncontrollably near his girlfriend.
The doctor came over and felt for her pulse. Then he stood up and said she was still alive. Later at the hospital, as he was sitting beside her, he asked"Why didn't you just give him the ring?" and then she softly spoke"Because when you gave it to me, you said it was part of your love for me and I knew if I gave him the ring, I would lose that love." The next day, she was pronounced dead.
I like your thinking.. A bit like "branding"..But it will have to be in a strategic place where the "bugger/ thief" can't see it..
whats going on with macgyver426 .. posting love and death..
Tattoo it to them... much easier
Whats with all the gloomy posts ! A girlfriend shot and dies because she wont let a thief have her ring. Another post about a biker giving his girlfriend his helmet before he dies.....come on people ! It's the holidays !
One day , the rings may entwine again.
Keep up the spirits.
Damn... I made the mistake of giving her 1 ring and now im suffering... lol!!!
As for Mrs UkEngQatar.. She on her second ring already.. she lost the first one and as far as I am concerned i am on my third.. Cant remember what happened to the first two.. Well were both OK living appart at the moment.. guess might be some truth in the above thread..
Precisely Britexpat. Never a truer word spoken.
I have taught Mrs QatarKiwi as well the fraught unknown dangers of received flowers. As such, I have chosen to save her from any danger and only present such potentially inflammatory items for when Im really in the poo.
One reason, I never buy Mrs Expat such gifts..
Let this be a warning and lesson to all men..
If you don't want to lose your loved one and blame yourself for the rest of your life, then just stick to teddies, stockings, suspenders, lingerie, clotted cream, chocolate spray, etc as gifts..