Signs of the Qayamat ( In light of Hadith)
Major Signs:
The Coming of Imaam Mahdi is one of the signs of Qiyamah as is the belief of the Ahlus-Sunnah and he has yet to appear.
Abdullah-bin-Masood has reported that the Prophet said, "The world will not pass away before the Arabs are ruled by a man (referring to Mahdi) of my family whose name will be the same as mine." (Abu Daud)
Signs That Will Appear before Imam Mahdi:
1) A General Sign
There are many signs that will precede him; a general and very important sign is that he will come at a time when there is great confusion, intense disputes and violent death. When people are afflicted by disturbances and fear. Calamities will fall upon the people, so much so that a man shall not find shelter to shelter him from oppression. There will be many battles and fitnaas before his appearance. Every time a fitnaa has come to an end, another will start, spread and intensify. The people will be troubled to such extent that they will long for death. It is then that Imaam Mahdi will be sent.
Abu Saeed al-Khudri has reported that the Messenger of Allah said:
''He will be sent at a time of intense disputes and differences among people and earthquakes.'' (Ahmad)
2) The Battle in Mina
Before Imaam Mahdi emerges an inter-tribal fight will take place. In the same year Haji's will be looted and a battle will erupt in Mina in which many people will be killed.
Amr-bin-Shuaib reported from his grandfather that the Messenger of Allah said, ''In Dhul-Qada (Islamic month) the tribes will fight, Hajis will be looted and there will be a battle in Mina in which many people will be slain and blood will flow until it runs over the Jamara-tul-aqba. Their companions (referring to Imaam Mahdi) will flee to a point between the Corner and the Maqaam and will be forced to accept people's allegiance.'' (Al-Fitan Nuaim-b-Hammad)
3) The Euphrates (Farat River) Will Disclose Mountain of Gold
The final hour will not come until the river Euphrates (which flows through Syria and Iraq and finally opens in the Gulf) will disclose a mountain of gold over which people will fight and die. It should be noted that this is a sign, which will precede Imaam Mahdi only according to some Ulama. Abu Huraira (R.A.) reported that the Messenger of Allah said, ''The hour shall not occur until the Euphrates will disclose a mountain of gold over which people will fight . Ninety- nine out of which hundred shall be killed and every one of them will say' Perchance I shall be the one to succeed. ''(Muslim)
In another narration we have been told that whoever is present at the time when the Euphrates discloses a mountain of gold should not take the gold .
4) Emergence of the Suffyani
The Suffyani (a descendant of Abu Sufyan) will emerge before Imam Mahdi from the depths of Damascus. According to some weak narration his name will be Urwa bin Muhammed and his Kuniya 'Abu-Utba'. The Ahadith regarding the Suffyani specify that he is a tyrant who will spread corruption and mischief on the earth before Imam Mahdi. He will be such a tyrant that he will kill the children and rip open the bellies of women. When he hears about the Mahdi, he will send an army to seize and kill him. However the Earth will swallow this army before it even reaches Imam Mahdi.
Abu Huraira (R.A.) has narrated that the Prophet said, ''A man will emerge from the depth of Damascus. He will be called Suffyani. Most of those who follow him will be from the tribe of Kalb. He will kill by ripping the stomachs of women and even kill the children. A man from my family will appear in Haram, the news of his advent will reach the Suffyani and he will send forth one of his armies. He (referring to Imam Mahdi) will defeat them. They will then travel with whoever remains until they come to a desert and they will be swallowed . None will be saved except the one who had informed the others about them. '' (Mustadarak).
5) The Emergence of Haris-Al-Harrath and Mansur
Hazrat Ali reported that the Prophet said, ''There will be a man from Transoxania who will be called Harith-Harrath and a man called Mansur will be at his vanguard. He will give abode to the family of Mohammad (referring to Imam Mahdi) just as the Quraish gave abode to the Prophet (Mishkat)
6) An army will perish in Baidah
Once he has appeared an army that has come to fight him will perish in Baidah (a flat piece of land next to Madinah facing the direction of Makkah).
Umme-Salama (R.A.) reported that the Prophet ''There shall be differences and intense dispute at the time of the death of a Khalifh. Then a man from the inhabitants of Madinah (referring to Imam Mahdi) will come out of the flee to Makkah (so that he does not get caught in the dispute and is not made the Khalifh). Some Makkans will come to him and take him out though he will be unwilling. They will then make him accept their Bayat between the Black Stone and the place of Ibrahim . An army will then be sent to fight him from Syria , however it will perish in Baidah, between Makkah and Madinah. When the people see and hear about this event ,the awliya (God fearing people) of Syria and Iraq will make Bayat with him.'' (Abu Daud)
7) A star with a luminous tail will rise from the east before his emergence. (Al-Iza'ah).
8) A voice in Ramadhan will awaken sleeps and alarm those that are awake (Ibid)
9) The emergence of al-A'hraj al-Kindi, Abqa and Ashab before Imam Mahdi (Ibid)
10) The earth will swallow a village near Damascus (Ibid)
11) An army with black banners will come from the East (Ibid)
In the next Email:
Detailed Signs of Imam Mehdi
How will people recognize Imam Mehdi ?
Who will follow him and who will not ?
From where he will emerge ?
The Appearence of "Dajjal"
and much more.
Keep checking as I will soon compile the next part of "Signs of Qayamah ". Inshallah.
Research By
Ammar Khan
nice post! salman but am agree with frozen that should put the reference of the content.
waiting for the next posts
jazaka allaho kola khair
Infact its a very good compilation but I would be interest to know the source of information. Further, I am looking forward to see following topics in your upcoming posts
1) Dajjal
2) Masih
3) Dabat ul Ardh
4) Ark of covenant
Thanks Salma:)
Jazak Allah Khair Bro:)
The end is Nigh.......
thnx for the info
Gawd, its a bit doom and gloom.....
Jazak Allah Khair
thanks nadt for correction.
Next time i will keep it in ma mind.
thanks for information but you should post this in religion instead of socialising. Look forward to part two.
My Muslim Brothers & Sisters
Please Read Signs of the Qayamat.
This is Part 1, i will paste the other parts very soon.