Tragic - Death toll soars to 400

No, Not India, but Nigeria..
Whilst we focus on India another massacre has been taking place in Nigeria,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,
Rival ethnic and religious mobs have burned homes, shops, mosques and churches in fighting triggered by a disputed local election in a city at the crossroads of Nigeria's Muslim north and Christian south. It is the country's worst unrest for years.
Murtala Sani Hashim, who has been registering the dead as they are brought to the city's main mosque, said he had listed 367 bodies and more were arriving.
Ten corpses wrapped in blankets, two of them infants, lay behind him.
'Gunshot wounds, machete injuries, those are the two main types,' said Dr Aboi Madaki, director of clinical services at Jos University Teaching Hospital.
The overall toll was expected to be higher, with some victims already buried and others taken to other clinics.
The violence appeared to be dying down today as soldiers patrolled on foot and in jeeps to enforce a 24-hour curfew imposed on the worst-hit areas.
Nigerian soldiers patrol the city of Jos as residents deliver more dead bodies to the main mosque
People who ventured out walked with their hands in the air to show they were unarmed.
'They are still picking up dead bodies outside. Some areas were not reachable until now,' said Al Mansur, a 53-year-old farmer who said all the homes around his had been razed.
The latest clashes between gangs of Muslim Hausas and mostly Christian youths began early on Friday and were provoked by a disputed local election after rumours spread that the ANPP party candidate backed by Hausas had lost the race to the ruling PDP.
'The PDP provided an all-Christian ticket. They started the trouble because they couldn't win,' said Samaila Abdullahi Mohammed, spokesman for the Imam at the main mosque.
He accused the security forces of heavy-handed tactics.
'As far as we are concerned, we have stopped the violence, but the police have not,' he said.
I would tend to agree with you.
I think the sad part is that "rumours" can be used by leaders to mobilize and enrage people into commiting acts of atrocity.
I fear that the same may happen in India.
"... The latest clashes between gangs of Muslim Hausas and mostly Christian youths began early on Friday and were provoked by a disputed local election after rumours spread that the ANPP party candidate backed by Hausas had LOST the race to the ruling PDP.
'The PDP provided an all-Christian ticket. They started the trouble because they couldn't win,' said Samaila Abdullahi Mohammed, spokesman for the Imam at the main mosque...."
Is it my imagination, but isn't that a bit contradictory? First it says the PDP were rumoured to have won, then says they started the trouble because they COULDN'T win! ???
Also, although I wouldn't want to see that 100s more had died in the rioting, the article only mentions the bodies taken to the mosque (presumably the Muslims who died). What about the "mostly Christian youths"?
Article seems a tad biased, no?
Humans are faraway from humanity nowadays
The story was from the Daily Mail..
Glad you read the whole thing :)
It says 'Mail' at the bottom of your post ...
The sad thing is that Thousands are getting killed in Africa, yet it is not deemed newsworthy.
Is this not another form of terrorism ??
sad,.. there is really no answer to your question as to when it will all end.... :(
"SAD :(
When this bloodshed will come to an END ....:(
When there will be PEACE on this Planet EARTH ...:(
May God rest their soul in PEACE and may there be PEACE on this PLANET...:("
can't say more .. really sad to read this in the morning :(
what is happening to the human kind .. think we will extinct soon becuase of these brutal nature that is getting spreaded widely day by day :(
SAD :(
When this bloodshed will come to an END ....:(
When there will be PEACE on this Planet EARTH ...:(
May God rest their soul in PEACE and may there be PEACE on this PLANET...:(