E-gate application hours

By Mandilulur •
Does anyone know the hours at the DOH Airport Passport and Security office for applying for the E-gate pass? I was planning to get one this week but I don't want to make a trip to the airport and find the office closed.
This seems an old thread but I can find no useful information so maybe I can bump this.
Where is the ASPD office in HIA?
Is it the same place you would pay overstay fines? The little kiosk after the check in desks?
Somebody must know this.
so where is this office located? to apply?
Yes, e-gate is pretty awesome. You get to breeze straight through passport control with just the touch of a finger which saves time and makes you feel super important!
As you enter the departure building the office is too your right.
Thanks, tallg, I called the number and was given another number (462-2105) and he told me the E-gate pass office is behind QIB in Departures and is open from 6 am til 6 pm. Glad I didn't wait until before my BA flight at midnight! I plan to get a three year pass for 350 QR. The idea sounds like a wonderful way to make the whole airport experience better.
Phone number on the card; 4621900. They may be able to tell you.
We just picked ours up when we flew out one time. It works straight away. Just get to the airport half hour earlier than usual. When we got ours it was an evening flight so they must be open reasonably late.
This should put in question section not here..Moderator please put in correct section.Hours are like any other Govt department 7am to 3pm..I think..
[mod note: Thanks for your concern. The Question section is there if people want to use it, but they can use the forum instead if they like. Just don't put the same question in both!]