The Expats Rights...
By bAbA-blAcksheep •
Most of us are very familiar with the sponsor's rights, employer's rights, and other laws and policies here in qatar.
Question: Are there any written rights for the expatriates protection under Qatar law?
1.employment rights (ex. delayed salary, misconduct or abuse from the employer or superior?)
2.As expats, how do we know, if the person who is questioning us is a CID personnel, as there are cases of misreprentation, only to fool and rob innocent expats?
Some of our cousins across the pond, have a peculiar strange taste for attracting some of those hybrid cops.
The Seven Words You Can Never Say On QL by George Carlin
You are correct about fake police persons.. I met one in a bar in New York once.. She had a Police uniform, badge and even a "Night stick"... But she wasn't a real police woman..--- Strange world eh ????
The question again, how do we know if hes a real CID or not. I have no prob, i ll just call my dad to call his friend who is a CID to find out. But then y shud i answer a person who wont even show his ID to me. If he is a CID, he should show hi identification first n then question.
Everything here it SUCKS!!!
They are all pretending CID.
if any one questioning you and not showing his ID call 999 infront of him.. if his still questioning you then he is CID. But if his trying to close the matter and started to say its ok just forget or what ever then his fake.....
I would not try it, If they got a gun!!!
question#1- Employments rights are call Labor Laws.
Download the PDF document at:
Civil rights for Expats
As long everyone behaves and they are kept under the civil code of Qatar.
The Seven Words You Can Never Say On QL by George Carlin
question #2 ;pull a knife-real CID will call for back-up,fake CID will ran away.