What are my rights?

Hello all. Recently here in Doha from the Uk and was wondering if anyone could please advise my course of action now that I am here and my employment contract is being changed and amended to suit my employer rather than keeping to what was agreed when i took the position? Changes include my benefits and holidays. I'm very upset with no support network here and would really appreciate some advice. Thank you.
Just to thank you all for your replies. I really appreciate these, however, am about to throw the towel in. I've never had such an awful experience in my life and everyone 'senior' that i speak to here seems to just want me to take this lying down.
I gave up so much to work her and had such high hopes - but in truth all i am told/hear/see is that there is one rule for some people and another for the locals. Don't get me wrong, i've met a lot of nice Qatari's. I've no problem with them - but i guess i cannot fight this as unfortunately all the senior staff are Qatari males and they view me an english woman in a very odd way. So thank you once again - but I shall be returning to the UK hopefully very soon - where at least there are routes of recourse rather than living like this.
Welcome to QATAR....!
Welcome to QATAR....!
after experiance i can tell you dont waste your time there is no Human Rights here in qatar , the right is always with the employer
kindly check your contract and if theres some changes?bring the new contract and go directly to the labour department and ask for assistance or make a complaint.
kindly check your contract and if theres some changes?go directly to the labour department and ask for assistance or make a complaint.
hi! you can go to the labor department and bring the old contract and the new contract.
I really feel for you. Thats a horrible thing to go through in your own country let alone when you are away from everything that's familiar.
If the changes are unreasonable then I would suggest you go to the most senior person of the company (eg Country Manager), if you have no luck with them do they have a superior you can speak to (eg Area Manager)
There is a Ministry of Labour & Social Affairs here in Qatar and they do have a disputes division where a claim can be lodged - www.mlsa.gov.qa.
My husband has had a few changes to his work conditions since he has been here but I think flexibility is the key sometimes but if the changes are unreasonable then I would encourage you should stand up for what is right!
Good Luck
I really feel for you. Thats a horrible thing to go through in your own country let alone when you are away from everything that's familiar.
If the changes are unreasonable then I would suggest you go to the most senior person of the company (eg Country Manager), if you have no luck with them do they have a superior you can speak to (eg Area Manager)
There is a Ministry of Labour & Social Affairs here in Qatar and they do have a disputes division where a claim can be lodged - www.mlsa.gov.qa.
My husband has had a few changes to his work conditions since he has been here but I think flexibility is the key sometimes but if the changes are unreasonable then I would encourage you should stand up for what is right!
Good Luck
Well hope you have the copy of the original agreed contract signed by the employer/sponsor...
Hope that you did not signed the new one which you are not comfortable with...
You can persue your case with the Higher management/HR of the company and even to labor ministry and also can take help of your Embassy....IF you want to continue with the same employer.
By the way if your RP is not stamped you can leave and re join any other good employer without the concent of the previous sponsor.
For the matter if you already have the RP stamped and and perhaps if you find better alternate within these days, you can change to better sponsor/work with the help of the ministry if and only if you have registered the dis agreement with the Ministry and yet the original sponsor still dont follow the agreed upon commitments..
All this can help if you did not sign any other contract or document which suggests a agreement of the newer position...and registered your plea to who so ever concerned in TIME...
Rights are always there in any society...unfortunately one has to struggle to get it in most of the societies...
TC & All the best...
OK Angie..
First of you need to check the original Contract and what is the different in the revised Contract. All Contracts of Employement are registered with the labour Department. So if you feel that you Contract is not favorable to you compared to the one you signed and accepted then you need to consult a lawyer and pursue this with Labour Department.. Good Luck Hope all goes well..
Hi there...
your/our rights...
U/We have rights to remain SILENT,, anything we say would/could be ........
Yet do fight for your rights!!
Good Luck 2 U!!!
Welcome to Qatar
have you signed the new contract? you should have not.ask them for the old one. I assume that before coming here in doha you signed a contract favorable to you how come everything has changed?