Labour life in Qatar

I have been reading the posts and all the different views, I thought I would share some of my thoughts.
We all seem well educated and cultured and happy people in here.
My humble request is to all of you educated and cultured people, please for god’s sake take a tour to any of the labour camps around Industrial Area. If you have some humanity in you, your heart will cry when you see how the humans ("Labours" real builders of this country) are treated by other humans (there employers)
I happen to visit one labour camp near I.A by some reason recently and when I saw the condition of the camp I was shocked, how these guys (labours) live there. I have not seen anything worse than that.
The camp belonged to a very reputed Company (don’t want to mention name) of Qatar which I believe earn billions here, I talked to some young labours who were not been paid since they have arrived here I asked them how they survive the said we help each other. I asked why don’t they go to labour court they said our bus takes us early morning to the site and drops us back here at evening so we have no time, besides being completely uneducated and illiterate we do not know where to go and whom and how to contact.
One said I sold my father’s land and paid 80K Indian Rupees, about Qr. 6,150 to agent and the agent told me I will be paid 20K INR about 1550 Qr a month and when I reached here they (Employer) wrote me an agreement for Qr. 500 a month, I asked him why did you agree and he said I had no other choice, I cannot go back to my country until I collect the money I paid to agent in India. His condition was really worst and he looked so week I was sure that he do not even eat enough, and his eyes were so sad and angry. I saw 12 people living in one 4x5 meter room with one old AC which trips after every hour. Imagine the room stink horribly. Please don’t say here no one is forced to stay in this country, but my dear friends I met people who have sold their everything behind to get into this country with a dream that one day they would be able to give their family and loved ones back home better life. So when they come here they burned their ships to go back until they first clear their debits and then make some better future, Can you imagine how can one save for a better future when even living in Qatar is getting impossible, Imagine your salary is Qr.500 a month and you have to live here and send money to home and at the end to save something. You will only end up committing crime.... I feel so sorry for the labour cummunity of this country, which is been treated so inhumanly
Please Comment
No problem.
Sorry if I did not use the proper wording on my earlier post. I meant respect.
If we are supposed to have so much respect for a passport, why does the holder of that passport not deserve MORE respect. (I used the word property cos that is what it says in my passport) but I do not mean that citizens are property. Bad choice of wording. Sorry. I tried to make a point. Not another heated issue.
Just to clarify "under the protection" does not mean "being property of".
Passports are property of countries, people are not!
If they are carrying an Indian, Sri Lankan or any other passport the passport it a document which belongs to the said country and for your information the person bearing that passport is a citize of that country and under the protection rights of that country.
I mentioned these cases to my husband and he was surprised that this was allowed. We have a labor camp in the Industrial Area and when he put all 4 men in one room, sharing one bathroom, they didn't allow it. They made him put only 2 men in a room, sharing a bathroom. He advised that people should report such cases once seen. The more complaints the faster authorities will take action.
Yes, nadt I just want to say that there is a discrimination shown by gulf governments in dealing with human resources. Theres a huge gap between a labour's and a technician's wages and the living conditions offered to them..this must stop because all humans are equal...
Sorry to repeat myself, but there is no point to waffle around issues that are so clear, it's simply common sense:
The only ones who can eradicate this abuse IN QATAR, is THE QATARI GOVERNEMENT. Those are the ones who dictate policies!!!!!!!!
Until this is not happening, the Qatari Government is the prime responsible for these abuses!!!!!!!!
Now the question is how WE (residents of Qatar) can contribute to accelerate their so urgently needed actions?
Should we start reporting with evidence to the International Media?
Should we subscribe a petition and send it publicly to the Qatari Government?
Should we report to Human Right Agencies (based outside of Qatar as the ones who are here are hopeless)?
Maybe use this website to launch a movement or charity program to force change? What do you think Mr. Qatari (the founder of this website)? How about adding a humanitarian purpose to the existence of Qatar Living?
Any ideas of how, we residents of Doha, can get united in this issue, and do something that can be visible and will not leave the choice to the Qatari Government, but to take adequate and effective measures???
I know Qtar is not a democracy, but I don't think we'll get arrested or punished by trying to help Qatar. Maybe they also want what we want (better life and work conditions for the labors, but they just don't know how to do it!?!)
On the other side I have my doubts, after all we know that when they really want something (as an example: exit permits) they can achieve it!
Anyway, let's unite and act within the respect limits of this Nation, its people and its Government.
Some would say well labourers are getting much more than they would get in their own countries but the issue is their present living conditions, we dont have to share a room with 10 people or or watch what we spend because we have to spilt the income between families eagerly waiting for money and our own personal needs, i just dont think our lives here are anything to compare with the rotten conditions they have to endure.
p.s sag i dont use work hours to lol but i get your point.
apart from that nadt most of us here are paid heftily and accomodated luxuriously just to check their emails and surf internet for most of their duty hours! Anyone can guess easily that many active on QL might be just paid to say some lolz and dolz here!!
The right solution maybe the governments in Gulf to check this and stop worshiping the smart labour...
dmightysoloman, apart from the exit visa, our conditions are hardly comparable to the labourers, with our accomodations, having excess money to spend, free to go in the malls etc etc.
Don't you think that these malpractices or inhuman condition of labor camp here in this part of the world is not yet exposed to the whole world? And this policy of "exit permit" not known to everyone?
The fact remains that the only reason for people to come here is money. Since there is still money (read opportunity) here, people will swallow their pride to live inhumanely and be treated inhumanely because they won't earn what they get in their home country. You, let me ask you, why are you here?
"dgoodrebel will always be the rebellious good one"
I don't know where you got the idea that I thought that.
You sure must have a very imaginative mind or perhaps you just misunderstood my English.
If you refer to my previous comment, please read it in context, as I was simply correcting Aisha's statement.
Again, please read slowly:
"Human beings are NOT the property of any country or of anyone.
Whenever this is not respected, a crime is being committed."
do you think any government had the guts to stop or send their citizens in this part of the world. Even among us professionals, are we not somewhat also the same as these poor laborers. Our accommodation maybe be better but can we go home without permission from our company (I mean with out exit permit)? Have you thought of that American stranded here for a long time? Or have you thought of the possibility (and not remotely) that you will be left and "rot" here in this country if you don't get an exit permit? Is this what they call modern-day slavery? Just asking, I learned this phrases and language also here in the forum.
"dgoodrebel will always be the rebellious good one"
Human beings are NOT the property of any country or of anyone.
Whenever this is not respected, a crime is being committed.
Human beings should be free and respected in accordance with the Human Rights Chart!
On a passport is written: This is the property of XYZ country. Why does this rule apply to a passport but not the human being from that country?
Yes, I endorse this post. This is the condition of many labour camps in Qatar. I think those from embossies reading this post should make their heads read this as well because they are the people who can make a difference. I don't know how these ambassadors are ever ready to attend cultural events but fail to address the issues of their own people.
Also the heads of wealfare organizations should write letters to the Prime Ministers of their countries to consider these issues seriously and instruct the respective embossies to take neccessary action.
In order to give a voice to these powerless and silent victims, please report this abusive situation to an agency that works to improve their lives:
Thank you.
A note from their website:
Over the course of history, human dignity has been disregarded in many countries around the world, and it continues to be disregarded today. In the 20th century, it was also grossly violated by the German government, such as during the Holocaust and two world wars. It is thus the desire of the Founder that this Foundation promotes human dignity – and the respect, protection and realization thereof – worldwide from within Germany. The
"Roland Berger Human Dignity Award
- to promote peaceful cooperation in the world"
is intended to evidence that all Germans are committed to human dignity. It honors individuals, institutions or associations that play a successful and exemplary role in promoting human dignity and advancing international understanding, tolerance and a free and peaceful society. The prize is endowed with EUR 1 million."
Thank you for exposing, once again, the human misery of this country - A misery that coexists invisibly and silently, growing along with the euphoric overdevelopment!
It is more than urgent to tackle this UNNECESSARY human abuse!!!!
Qatar has the financial resources to set up what it needs to stop this – if there is genuine will and/or pressure!
It is exactly because of this situation that I keep repeating myself here in this website. Sometimes it seams that I annoy people with my constant reminders of these issues. The reason is, I keep asking myself, how can anybody live happy in this country knowing that so many people are being abused in this manner?
No matter how much we give and help these labors, the problem will still persist until adequate legislation is developed, enforced, audited and abuses being severally prosecuted.
The only ones who can eradicate this abuse are THE QATARI GOVERNEMENT. Those are the ones who dictate policies!!!!!!!!
As I just wrote somewhere else:
“A simple improvement of the legislation dictating in a clear manner the minimum conditions to be offered to labor and its enforcement by having auditors checking regularly the labor’s accommodations and working environment (just like in most of the developed countries), would improve a lot the actual situation. This government policy would project a very genuine positive and human image of Qatar in the whole world.
Small actions can produce enormous results!”
Until this is not happening, the Qatari Government is the prime responsible for these abuses!!!!!!!!
Why can't we shout loud (including the international Media) until they realize that they are accounted for the misery that is taking place is this country – ironically sad, one of the richest in the world?!!!!
You do not get the point. What was being said was just go and have a look so that you see their plight. And that yes when you get back into your fancy car and go back to your villa you will remember how they live so that maybe the next time you throw away food or want to buy that overboard clothing item, you will remember them and do not throw the food but eat it instead, and do not buy that clothing item but buy someting for these laborers instead! That is the point they were trying to make.
Supernurse Do you have a good suggestion if we Ql'rs can do a little for these poor guys???? Honestly I will be the first person to join you.
Perhaps the Labour Department are unaware of these specific issues on this specific site. Have you informed them?
In the residential area where I live, not far from the glamorous shops at Villaggio, there are many new houses being built. The watchmen live in one room shacks built, with no sanitation or facilities. There is one site near my house, where the man has lived for almost 3 years with no electricity supply: he asks local tenants to run a line (maybe 100m) from a power point in their house, so he can at least have light and a ring to cook on. It is clear most of the shacks have no toilet or proper washing facilities. Conditions on the actual sites are also a disaster, with untrained labor and unsupervised construction. Where is the Labor Department in all this? They could play a major role in addressing the situation by ensuring that the Labor Law is observed.
So what you're asking is.....all you people who have nothing better to do go and leer at the poor people and feel sorry for'll be ok cos we'll just hop in our cool SUV and get the hell out of there to our comfortable villas with our families......yeah, really charitable...
its not only sad dear it is rather shameful, my life has become so uneasy since I saw it with my eyes...I feel ashamed living a better life and driving a luxery car....While some people cant even get full bread here
its very sad to read this...
MagicDragon I know they so called humanrights people are some where in Doha, I am saying where are they? dont they see it or they are just useless....
An embassies primary concern isn't the welfare of it's people in the host country, but is it's countries relation with the host country. It's the authorities in the countries these labourers are coming from that need to stop the practice of rogue recruitment agencies.
And in this country the government should be monitoring the practices of the companies working here - from living conditions to health and safety compliance.
There is no such thing as a petition. This is a Traditional Monarchy. Forgotten it?
Aisha!! can we really do any thing on QL?, I will be the first person to sign the petiton!!!!!!!!
Well said in last Doha Debates that Gulf Arabs Value Profit over people!!!!!!!
Lets all pary to Allah not for poor labours but for the employers to channge their hearts and have some mercy on the condition of labour community of this country!!!
denem, first of all, embassies don't care!
To Keith and BLESS7 :- I think Emabssies are not allowed to do anything in this country unless permited by Local Government agencies to interfare or inspect any labour camp here...
This story really makes you think about the plight of the laborers here in this country and many other countries.
Because these laborers are un educated, are from poor back grounds, are basically poor from birth till they die, they get treated badly because they are afraid to say something and are used to be treated as s...t. Even in thier home countries! Tis is not right and something needs to be done.
Point 1.
Embassies should value their citizens more by inspecting the work conditions & living arangements. Do they do this? No! Look at the treatment some of the Asians get at their Embassies when they go there to get a new passport or for whatever reason. If the Embassy does not respect it's citizens why do you expect foreigners to respect them.
Point 2.
Companies should be obliged to provide their workers with decent living conditions. Owners of these companies should be aware of what their management is doing & hiding from them. But, unfortunately, most of the time the owners are not aware of what the mangement is doing, how they are cheating. They can't cheat the owner, so they have to cheat someone else. And who is easier to cheat, someone who can put you in jail (owner) or someone who is uneducated and afraid to say something (laborers)? So what I am trying to say is that the "middleman" should be watched and be made accounted for.
Point 3.
The governments should inspect these places. Not for living conditions only, but for sanitary & health issues. Penalise the companies that are not keeping up the standards.
Point 4.
Companies that do not pay the salaries of the laborers should have the names published in the newspapers and be put on a nation blacklist so that anyone of us needing a particular company we can check if they are ok or not and we would do business only with companies that are ok. You will see that as soon as they notice that business is going down because of non payment of salaries or for not having provided proper/decent living, they will change their attidude towards these problems, Cos they want the business! Doing business brings that money.
Do you agree? Can we do something on QL to set these things in motion? Start a petition?
D-Ring Road.
Where are humanrights agencies???????????????????? sleeping and blindfolded!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
britexpat!! I agree with you I think SAARC governements are more interested in filling their $ deposits by overseas employees than their welfare!!
Dear PITSTOP I am glad that you are working on such nice cause, I would give you the name and address, but honestly I do not exactly know as I was getting my car fixed in a workshop and while waiting I went to buy a pack of cigs on other side of main road and on the way I saw this camp, what attracted me to reach their was I saw this man (labour) crying and talking on mobile phone, probably to someone back home and telling them his fate... So I went to him and asked what’s the matter and If I could do anything so he told me his story. I was so upset and angry that I couldn’t ask his name so he only took me to camp and I saw this horrible life of those poor guys...They are not happy but I saw them how they compromise with that worse situation....
By the way there is one camp right back side of M.E.S Indian school, please check their condition as well..
i too agree with keith, the concerned ebmassied MUST carry regular inspections / investigations with theri country people and to find out all the difficulties that the labours are facing...
i am sure that incase the inspections are started the others will automatically improve
another thing is that, the camps are made dirty by the ones staying it is together a duty of these labours to keep the surroundings clean which they dont do often...
we can never blame any one party for all these cause....
finally, it is the individual candidate decision to come and stay here....
charanmafiriyals: Yes, please give me the information and I will include them into the long list growing for the people in need.
Thank you!
PITSTOP - 95 % of the labour camps in Industrial Area are like that. If you want I have the Direct access to 2 of them :(
Ban Spoon Feeding not Me
denem4U - if you could pm me the labour camps name and address. I would like to visit them myself as we are working on a charity for such workers. I hope we can help make them smile again.
Thank you!
"I hope I have not offended any S.Lankan nationals with my abstracted view on this matter"
No or few Sri Lankans are working as Casual Labourers in the ME although there are a lot of maids working overseas.
"S.Lankan Govt at least , they may actually be one of the worst offenders of unscrupulous agencies providing overseas workers"
Sorry Has anything been done by the Nepali Govn which the majority of Labourers come from?
Go Ban Spoon Feeding not Me
It is the duty of the foreign governments and embassies to protect the welfare of their overseas workers, especially those who are more vulnerable to various abuses . I.E. maids , labourers.
Low income workers constitute the highest percentage of overseas income to their respective governments and countries , therefore it is actually in the interests of said governments to protect their overseas workers .
However, as I said , "the problem needs to be tackled at the root cause".
In the case of the S.Lankan Govt , which has been described in the foreign press as a "KLEPTOCRACY", because newspapers there are forbidden to say anything remotely negative about the said Govt. It is very much in their interest to have as many overseas workers as possible to provide the funds for the country and their own personal interests.
Therefore I regret to suggest that in the case of the S.Lankan Govt at least , they may actually be one of the worst offenders of unscrupulous agencies providing overseas workers .
I hope I have not offended any S.Lankan nationals with my abstracted view on this matter.
Pajju - I went all the way to malabari Restaurant near wholesale market yesterday to buy "Mallu Fish Curry"
Ban Spoon Feeding not Me
:) brb wanna maky fish curry :P
Who is Malabari and Sisterfatima?
Ban Spoon Feeding not Me
Pajju - Thanks for not Molesting my Mistress :)
Ban Spoon Feeding not Me
from Bro Malabari and Sisterfatima?
"dgoodrebel will always be the rebellious good one"
thanx for ur company at qube :)
Pajju - Nothing Special. same as other Asain Countries :)
SL embassy in Qatar much better but they have their limitations.
Ban Spoon Feeding not Me
wats special ? abt srilankan embassy ?
britexpat - we know the Sri Lankan embassy very well :)
Ban Spoon Feeding not Me
The embassies can lay down ground rules to be adhered to and also carry out regular checks on the facilities provided to their citizens..
Simple example - In Saudi Arabia, the Sri Lankan embassy brought in guidelines for the recruitment of maids and actually took concrete steps to ensure that some of their issues were addressed. Not much, but a start..
"I also blame the Embassies and the governments."
Tell me what they can do? These workers are not British citizens :(
Ban Spoon Feeding not Me
If you stop one there will be 100s to replace him. sorry that is the truth.
Ban Spoon Feeding not Me
Well said..
I also blame the Embassies and the governments. They are more interested in getting foreign exchange than the well being of their countrymen.
This has been going on for years all over the Middle East to my knowledge.
The answer is absolutely NOT to advise people to not seek work here. Rather solve the Root of the problem which is the unscrupulous merchants of human suffering who will happily sell their own countryman into a life of depravation . It is these individuals who knowingly SELL the opportunity to come here to the unfortunate people who pay fees to them often having to borrow money or sell property to pay the so called agents who by the way are in most cases ALSO being paid a fee by the the future employers as well.
You can't teach experience...
It is sad and can be really humilliating. What we need to do is spread the word and inform the people back home not to take any job in a country in the middle east. These conditions exist throughout the middle east, not just in Qatar.
It's so sad to know about this inhumatarian situation whereas others are bored and complaining about not being able to find where to spend money. This is Haram, 7aram, حرام,...