HELP!!! I cannot go home for Christmas looking pasty!! Are there any tanning beds/salons in Doha??!

By blahblahblah •
(Please do not suggest sunning myself outside as I seriously do not have the time - or I really would!)
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You should try Jergens "Sublime Glow". It is a nice lotion you put on after a bath (make sure your skin is moisturized really well). The colour gets enhanced over a few days as you continually put it on. It is a subtle effect and is not obvious at all, unless you want it to be. I used the medium shade on my legs because they were so pale they looked blue!
tanning beds might cause skin cancer. Check this link
According to the World Health Organization, there is no evidence to suggest that ultraviolet exposure from any type of sun bed is less harmful than UV exposure from the sun
cant believe people still wanna use solarium, when there is a lot of sun shine where u could get tan very fast.
good luck .
I heard there is one in Golds daughter do it there