Family Visit Visa
Hello Friends,
I would like to bring my wife and infant baby soon.
I am planning to bring them first in family visit visa and then hope can convert to RP.
Can i knw the detailed procedure?
What are the required doc ?
I dnt have any bank account here and my salary paying as cash till now.
Hope can start one salary account soon.
I 'v my marriage certificate which got from our Masjid.
Is it need any attestation?from where?
I got birth certificate for my baby.
So vant to apply for PP.
I knew want to get sworn affidavit from embassy here as i am here in Qatar.
Anybody can help me with detailed procedure to get my visa?
If any one seriously willing to help me, I'l give the service charges.
PM me.
Thank u Blackbeard..
Do u knw any salary constrain for minimum eligibility?
sir, try this site..!ut/p/c1/04_SB8K8xLLM9MSSzPy8xBz9CP0os3gjAwsDA39311CvIENXAyMfC18_S39jQwMDA_1wkA4kFcbenqYGRqYePgGBLkZGIBVgeQMcwNFA388jPzdVP1I_yhy3Pcb6kTmp6YnJlfoF2dlpzumKigD3zV_u/dl2/d1/L0lJSklna2shL0lCakFBTXlBQkVSQ0lBISEvWUZOQTFOSTUwLXchLzdfMjA4MDBPR0VVSlIxRTAyTDhNTjlPMzEwMDM!/?WCM_PORTLET=PC_7_20800OGEUJR1E02L8MN9O31003_WCM&WCM_GLOBAL_CONTEXT=/wps/wcm/connect/cnt/en/1_home/14_ministries_and_authorities/moi_en/moi_d01_en/family+visit+visa/moi_family+visit_visa
this might enlighten you...
have a nice day..