Are your photos being stolen by Amnesia?

I just wanted to warn photographers that one of the users on your Qatar Living site going by the name of "Amnesia" has been stealing their photos. I noticed this when a friend sent me a link to one of my photos on another web forum. It was my photo but "Amnesia" had put a big logo of his website over the picture, trying to claim that the photo was taken for his website.
I know it is his website since I remember clicking on the link from his signature. I won't link to the site since I don't want to promote stolen work.
I looked up his profile on Qatar Living and he claims to have studied law. Well, my photo had a clear copyright notice to it so for a lawyer to break either means he can't read or he is happy to break the law.
This type of behaviour makes me sick. I don't know what sort of person will take someone elses hard work and then try to claim that it is his own.
Normally this is behaviour reserved for plagarists and thieves.
SO BEWARE! There were lots of photos on the site and I suspect that many of yours may have been stolen by him too.
This thread is now closed.
everything's cool...THANK GOD :-)
so AMNESIA could just remove it, or add the disclaimer or whatever you want...
1. your QL username does draw attention that you have something AGAINST "AMNESIA" other than that photo of yours.
2. You're standing up to say that if he did it to your photo/s, he could've done it to others' photos..
3. AMNESIA had been quick to respond and is amiable to correct ANY MISTAKE...
"dgoodrebel will always be the rebellious good one"
let us close this chapter!!!!
"dgoodrebel will always be the rebellious good one"
i don't really care if you think it is nice or not. I don't need some random person on a forum to give me a star for my work.
anyway, as long as we've reached the point where you will understand how sticking logos on peoples work claims other peoples rights, i am happy.
thank you.
Just want to add…
If it has been done UNINTENTIONALLY (which does happen sometimes), the party who has it done should kind of apologize..
if it has been done intentionally.. well..this is a different story
“You become responsible forever for what you have tamed”. Antoine de Saint-Exupéry
the funny thing is, if the photo was added to the gallery, it means that it was judged to be very nice.
If I had just received an email saying "Hi there, My photo has been added to the gallery without Permission can you please remove it or added my link or watermark"
I would have done that immediately without fail.
Mr. Q's Blog - A Qatari's view on Qatar.
Thank you Amnesia - as long as you make clear that you did not take or commission the pictures.
"I'll make sure to make it clear that the watermark means that the photo is being hosted on ILQ's servers and nothing more"
I think this would definitely be a good thing to do.
does it mean that if nobody complain, it's ok and if somebody get you attention, that's the only time you will correct it? There is something not right here? Let us be objective about this? Maybe, I am as guilty as charged by Amnesiac because I love downloading pictures and use it personally as wallpaper or desktop picture, although I am not claiming it as my work
"dgoodrebel will always be the rebellious good one"
@amnesiac, where are these other users?!
Mr. Q's Blog - A Qatari's view on Qatar.
A few weeks back I found a small web utility (since lost!) that lets you find your pictures on other websites. Mine were not found anywhere. I also received a nice email from a guy in Jordan asking if he could use one of my pics on his journalist website. I agreed subject to credit being given where due and copyright info being shown. He agreed 100%.
My point - I'm flattered that as a complete amatuer, someone else considers my work to be of a high enough standard to use elsewhere. If I was a pro I'd be p!ssed. Let's get some perspective on this issue!
Did you Google it first?
@tallg, that's the forum, not the gallery.
@amnesiac, Imageshack does, vimeo does, tinypic deoes.
What is this 'what you may or not have done'.
We can all play that game. Maybe you didn't take the photo. Maybe someone hacked into your email and sent me the photo. Maybe there is no photo.
Don't worry though. I'll make sure to make it clear that the watermark means that the photo is being hosted on ILQ's servers and nothing more :)
@lously, shukran
Mr. Q's Blog - A Qatari's view on Qatar.
did the administrators of qatar living ever post your work sticking their logo on it?
"I just wanted to warn photographers that one of the users on your Qatar Living site going by the name of "Amnesia" has been stealing their photos."
On public forums where users can submit what they want breach of copyright is inevitable. A few of the users on Qatar Living breach copyright on a regular basis by copying and pasting things they have found on the net, sometimes without a link. I have had my own copyright breached a couple of times on Qatar Living, but the administrators have always been extremely quick to react to private emails - I didn't see any need to publicly insult them.
Qatar Visitor
If you said on Facebook that the photo was yours and uploaded it you are:
a) claiming you took the photo
b) ignoring the moral right of the original photographer and claiming fraudulently that it is your own.
The pictures that were posted by Amnesia were posted by his username. They were not some random person on a website.
He has already acknowledged that he has done that before, other users on this thread claims he did it to them to. So all I am saying is that from now on he shouldn't put his logo on things that are not his.
Yes that is true. but not all sites were you upload photo's use CC such as FB.
"Your born, You Live, You Die, given this premise, one can conclude since we have no control over when we are born and when we die, the only thing that matters to us should be how we live, simple really?" Mis-Cat to her philosophy Lecturer.
Putting your logo on other peoples photos is not acceptable behaviour. Facebook doesn't stick it's logo on the pictures your upload. Neither does Qatar Living or any other respectable website (if you can call Qatar Living respectable...)
Amnesia : This is not about one photo. It's about what you may or may not have done to many photos.
All I'm asking is that you respect other peoples work.
All I see at the bottom of the page is a disclaimer about opinions found on the forum not necessarily being shared by the site, and that you don't tolerate "insults, flaming, trademark infringment, slander, and cannot be held liable for comments unmodertated by our team."
We are all agreeing that its a bother for someone to take something that is urs and passing it off as their own.. but we all also agree that it is not What amnesia is doing!
U urself said Tallg that when u informed Amnesia about it he quickly rectified it...
I mean i can upload a photo to facebood and tick next to the certification part that it is my right.. facebook will not know till someone points it out!
so Amnesia cannot know unless u come up to him and say hey this picture is mine.. or this picture is for a friend of mine and i'm sure he/she wont like to see it here without at least their name on it!
Amnesia will then adjust everything accordingly! when he does not do that then we go on a public forum and call him a fraud!
let's wait for Amnesiac's proof so we could make an objective comment. I go for the comment of Tallg. Let us be objective about this so if there is an unintentional mistake, it could be remedied!
"dgoodrebel will always be the rebellious good one"
@tallg, yes it is shown at the bottom of each page though. Please look again.
You were the case I was talking about, where the CC was added immediately.
Mr. Q's Blog - A Qatari's view on Qatar.
amnesia - I'm fairly certain you're not trying to pass off photos as your own. My point is that there is a page of photos you recently posted in the forum on your site which do not contain the disclaimer you posted earlier, and it definitely looks like you're claiming the photos are your own. Perhaps this is because they are yours! I don't know. I was just pointing out that the disclaimer is not on every page as you suggested.
Folks, please take your personal disputes offline or via PMs.
@tallg, I agree. In this case, it is not like I searched websites, saw a photo and simply uploaded it.
And in all cases, if there is any copyrighted material, I always ensure that I have the right to reproduce it.
So I am not saying that my footer 'saves me'. I'm saying all photos are submitted in my people which claim that they are their photos.
It was a simple case of "Hi, I've taken some photos, can you add them to the gallery. Please see attached."
I'm kind of suprised that you're taking this stance. If you go to Youtube and upload a video, youtube shows their logo on it, does it mean that they own it? It means they host it. If you go to an image uploading site, they add a small watermark link, does it mean they own it? They mean they host it.
I myself am a designer. And I understand that when you get rippers it's not a good feeling. However in this case, this is a misunderstanding.
I remember going to Shanghai and seeing my wallpaper artwork being displayed on a television. At first I felt. "Wow my wallpapers are in China". Then I thought, "Wait a minute...I'm not getting paid..".
@amnesiac, I never imply any photos as my own.
Again I ask, what is this golden photo that should not have been added.
I cannot keep asking, and I cannot fix this issue if I'm not told.
I've definately learned from this lesson and shall be having a BOLD disclaimer on the site.
Mr. Q's Blog - A Qatari's view on Qatar.
Mis-Cat - if someone takes a photo from my flickr page (which clearly shows the Creative Commons copyright that applies to it) and tries to pass it off as their own they are breaking a copyright law. That much is very well defined.
Firstly he is not putting his personal name all over the photo's so is in no way claiming that he alone took the photo's, secondly you will find that the watermark also serves the purpose of deterring others using the photo's without permission of the website (we all know how to right click and save an image don't we??) so they can credit it as there own. Thirdly at this point in time the copyright laws that govern images, music, movies and the like that are loaded onto the web are still very undefined, so if you sent this image to a friend who then sent it to another friend and so forth and so forth what is stopping anyone who has a copy of this image sending it to Amnesia claiming it to be there own work..The answer Nothing at this point in time.
You say you are an artist yet you claim the picture is not a good one (something that baffles me) yet if you were an artist then you would know most of this it's the same with photo's on FB....
"Your born, You Live, You Die, given this premise, one can conclude since we have no control over when we are born and when we die, the only thing that matters to us should be how we live, simple really?" Mis-Cat to her philosophy Lecturer.
tsk..tsk..seems you have INDEED personal thing with amnesia... talk this out with him personally (which should be done in the first place) coz you will not get anything from here with your venting...
[img_assist|nid=12867|link=none|align=left|width=|height=0]Nothing in life is to be feared. It is only to be understood.
Amnesia - for your information, you said that this statement is written at the bottom of every page;
Photographs are property of their respective owners.
Is there a photo that you think should be removed or you want to add? Please email us (email here)
but I'm currently looking at a page of photos on your website that doesn't have that disclaimer on it.
Also, I tend to agree that sticking the website logo on a photo definitely implies that you own it!
Obviously I don't know what copyright, if any, the photo in question had. The reason I'm commenting about this is because I also have to disagree with point 1 of Amnesia's first comment, since earlier this year some of my photos were taken from another website and posted on Amnesia's site (without me emailing them to him), but to his credit when I requested he add the CC license this was done promptly.
But believe me, it's a big shock when you find one of your own photos on someone else's website with no mention of your name. It's happened to me a couple of times and the first thing you want to do is scream to anyone who can hear you that this person has stolen your work. It may not be the best way to deal with things, but it's hard to stay calm in those situations.
so you won't be judge improperly. Maybe, you have a point, so give details, so all of us will be enlightened. As per your posting, it seems you know a lot of "copyright infringement" of the "beloved" Amnesia.
"dgoodrebel will always be the rebellious good one"
yes i have a grudge. he has been taking other peoples work an passing them off as if he had something to do in the creation of them.
uploading something to a website hardly entitles you to putting your name all over it.
well said.... if you know amnesia you just know that it is not his style at all
Looks like you are trying to vent your personal grudge against Amnesia…you know that such crap will not be allowed by moderators of Iloveqatar.
So you thought he can do it here..
Amnesia’s first reply was don’t want to send a mail to remove the pic... your intention is obvious from that… grow up dude!
BTW..Why did you copy his id?
coz no matter what AMNESIA or the rest of the QL folks say/write about your ALLEGATIONS, you just won't budge.
If you're doing this for some "personal"'ll backfire on you big time coz QL'ers who knows AMNESIA outside this forum knows your ACCUSATIONS bears no ground.
You could have called his attention via PM or e-mail to correct any misunderstandings.
NOW "...that is the fair and honest thing to do."
whats that site ??
i doubt they even know that someone has taking their work in the same way that i didn't.
point being : just don't post anything up implying it is your own.
i don't see how you don't understand that sticking your logo on someones picture implies that you had commission or paid for the picture.
it's not a fantastic photo at all. i don't care about the photo - it's the moral right.
If true, from my own experiences I can understand the original poster's frustration and anger, and I feel he has every right to warn others if this is really happening.
If a photo on the internet has an associated copyright it should be abided by. A lot of online material these days is covered by a 'Creative Commons' copyright. There are various versions of this; some which say you can't use the material full stop, some which say you can as long as you attribute it to the original owner, etc, etc.
The CC license must also be reproduced/linked to if the photo is re-used.
Putting a disclaimer at the bottom of the site is not an adequate substitute for correct attribution and reproduction of the license.
I think you should simply drop the subject cz ur barking up the wrong tree trust me..
get this over with.. just tell Amnesia which one is ur "picture" and he will remove it.. bcz of all the artists who have their pictures on that site you are the onlyone complaining.. and that says alot..
Perhaps someone else can bother to explain my point of view to amnesiac as the person does not seem to understand what I'm saying.
I'm curious to know what this fantastic photo is. I've had many photos submitted.
Mr. Q's Blog - A Qatari's view on Qatar.
1) If someone submits a photo to the website, my first question is whether the user has the right to submit them. I will gladly share the content of the email.
2) The watermark is automatically added because it is uploaded onto MY server. Therefor if people link to it, it uses the servers bandwidth. Bandwidth costs money. I am NOT taking people's work. People are SUBMITTING the work. Watermarks show where the images are being downloaded from. Nothing more.
3) Because SonyBMG or MGM do not submit their work to ILQ. As I explained, those photos were submitted into ILQ. Someone falsely claimed the work to be their own. All ILQ can do is rectify an error when being told. (Which you do not attempt to do.)
4) People always get credit. As mentioned, ILQ gives photographers complete freedom with work (which they submit) and also links to their CC (Creative Commons) or sharing license.
Your post is obviously just written to stir un-necessary trouble. I've given you the opportunity to resolve this issue which is a case of a misunderstanding.
I do NOT confirm that I place logos on people's work without permission. I CONFIRM that all photos on ILQ are submitted and placed on the site.
Put simply you should have just emailed me to resolve this. I'm a friendly person. I don't bite.
@everyone, thank you all for being understanding. I'm very glad to see your kind replies.
Mr. Q's Blog - A Qatari's view on Qatar.
i didn't bother to contact him since he didn't bother to credit people who had taken photos.
as an artist, it's not my duty to go and find people and say "could you please acknowledge my own work".
and i don't really care about one photo. to be honest an e-mail would not sort this out since if he did it to me then he probably did it to lots of people.
i think all he has to do is go back and review all the photos he has posted to his site and remove his logo and see that he has not stolen anyones rights.
that is the fair and honest thing to do.
guys solve ur personal stuff via PM
or call each others
maybe its a regular miss understanding
Agree with SamyaUk.. why cant this issue be resolved amicably.. Or we can always have a wrestling match to see who is right and who is
U have every right to believe u are wronged.. its what u think and what u believe and ur free to it.. but you have publically allowed urself to stand up and slander one of the oldest and well respected QL members...
I think you should have contacted amnesia directly first to resolve this issue, and if he had been uncooperative and "rude" or whatever u wanna call it, then you should have taken the drastic measure that you did.
Ur right to complain about having ur picture put on his site but did u think that someone else could have submitted it on the email he provides? why point a finger when there is not enough evidence?
Innocent until Proven guilty eh...
Why did u post this here instead of contacting him directly?? like u wana shame him or somthing.. Sad
i know amnesia and well we dont always see 'eye to eye' - we have our differences......but he is a person of integrity and i doubt he would ever do something like this intentionally....
i think this (and any other such issues) could have been sorted out with a private email and not on an open forum
even ur user names seems the same... =P
“Learn from yesterday, live for today, hope for tomorrow.”
1. I have not submitted any e-mails to your site by e-mail or otherwise
2. So what if a watermark is added automatically? That's the most stupid excuse I've heard in my life. You're taking other peoples work, adding watermarks (even if its is done autmatiacallly) and then saying "oh, it's not like I am really claiming they are my photos - it's just automatic".
3. Why don't you try uploading music files from SonyBMG or movies from MGM and then put that little disclaimer. I'd love to see what real lawyers think about that...
4. People shouldn't have to ask you to credit them for their own work.
And I don't care to send you an e-mail. You still my stuff and claimed it was yours. I'm just warning other people.
You've now kindly confirmed that you do put your logo on other peoples photos without asking their permission (your point 1+4).
Looks like a troll..with a fake profile
What utter rubbish!
1) I have never added any photos that were not submitted via email.
2) The watermark is automatically added when it's uploaded onto the server.
3) The following statement is on the bottom of every single page. Photographs are property of their respective owners.
Is there a photo that you think should be removed or you want to add? Please email us (email here)
4) There was one case where a photo was submitted and the photographer asked from the CC to be linked and added to it, which was done immediately.
Next time I suggest that you either email someone before being so quick to judge and post such slander.
This is the price you pay for running a public site, but as long as I continue to help and make a difference, I can definately tolerate a few rude people.
Send me an email letting me know which photo is yours and I shall remove it immediately. (Which is what you should have done in the first place.)
Mr. Q's Blog - A Qatari's view on Qatar.
can u show us any proof that ur the real owner of the said photo?
“Learn from yesterday, live for today, hope for tomorrow.”
have you try to get in touch with amnesia and ask him to take your photo down from his website?
I think the 'copyright' (a basic Human Right) is still underdevelopped in Qatar.