PM horrified at baby’s abuse death

PM horrified at baby’s abuse death
LONDON: Prime Minister Gordon Brown yesterday voiced outrage at the brutal abuse of a baby boy and a local authority’s failure to spot his fatal ordeal, as the case escalated into a political row.
The child – identified only as Baby P – was 17 months old when he died in a blood-spattered cot in August last year, having spent much of his life being used as a punchbag.
Social workers, police and health professionals failed to save him despite 60 visits over eight months, during which he suffered more than 50 injuries.
The local authority – Haringey Council in north London – is the same one that failed to stop the death of eight-year-old Ivorian Victoria Climbie, a child abuse case that similarly shocked Britain in 2000.
“I believe I speak for the whole country that people are not only shocked and saddened but horrified and angered,” Brown said in stormy exchanges with opposition leader David Cameron in his weekly parliamentary grilling.
“This tragedy that has arisen because of violence and torture of a young child, where three have already been found guilty, raises serious questions that we have to address.”
An urgent, nationwide review of child protection services has been ordered.
Two days before Baby P died, a doctor failed to spot he had a broken back, eight fractured ribs and was paralysed from the waist down.
He had been punched so hard he swallowed a tooth. The attack, causing a neck injury that affected his breathing, was probably the fatal blow, the Old Bailey central criminal court in London heard.
Among his other injuries, Baby P’s ears were torn, fingernails and fingertips were missing and his lips were ripped.
The 32-year-old partner of the child’s mother was found guilty on Tuesday of causing or allowing the death of a child. The man, who kept knives and Nazi memorabilia, was described in court as “sadistic – fascinated with pain”. He cannot be named for legal reasons.
He was cleared of murder charges as jurors could not agree who caused all the baby’s injuries.
The child’s 27-year-old mother, who also cannot be named, was described in court as a “slob” who covered up the abuse, pleaded guilty to causing or allowing the death of a child.
Jason Owen, 36, of Bromley in southeast London, their house guest, was convicted of the same charge.
David Cameron too called for sackings over Haringey council’s failure to save Baby P.
The Conservative leader said he was “sickened to the core” by the crime and was further angered by the lack of a proper apology.
In a powerful attack on the council officials and others responsible for the toddler’s care, Cameron said the “buck has got to stop somewhere”.
He condemned Haringey’s decision to respond by issuing written warnings to three staff as inadequate.
“Those whose job it was to oversee this system have failed. They must admit that and pay a price,” he said. “Society cannot work unless individuals carry the consequence of their actions.
“We have had a raft of excuses and not one apology. Everyone says that they followed protocol to the letter and that the fault lies with systemic failure. But we cannot allow the words ‘systemic failure’ to absolve anyone of any responsibility. Systems are made up of people and the buck has got to stop somewhere.” -Agencies
We can definately say that the system is failing.. Especially when 40 o 60% of the local authority revenue is being spent of Social services it is definately does not prevent cases like this..especially in the same Local Authority as Victoria Climbie who suffered at the hand of her carer aunt.. But there is no news on the Tenant who has been describes as a Neo Nazi.. And why the father toughing such small baby by beating him..ral sicko's
UK, ofcourse the parents are to blame, they are sickos, psychos, actually theres not enough words to describe what sort of parents they are. These acts are horrific and heartbreaking for an innocent child to have to endure. However these types of parents exist in this world, hence the government needs to protect them. If the parents place no values on these innocent kids, then the governemnt has to step up and ensure they are taken away and placed in a safe place.
The first and formost blame should on the Parents and their accomplish
Funny how politicians are always shocked after a tradegy occurs. In this case, i agree workers neglected to see or react to whats going on, but child protection services are always under valued and resourced and many kids are suffering. The governemnt knows this but turn a blind eye and do not provide enough funding to ensure workers can do their jobs properly. I guess expensive business trips and lunches is their priority.
The innocent kids always suffer.
guess that is what happened when criminals like those get released instead of being sentenced to death for their criminal activities ...
Do not dwell in the past, do not dream of the future, concentrate the mind on the present moment. (Gautama Buddha)
They have photos of Baby P in the paper today - a lovely blue eyed blonde boy. They're still not allowed to print photos of the culprits/murderers yet!
"Dawnvfinch, and another news today at Gulf Times of a mother who drugged her child and staged a kidnap for ransom case." This happend some months back, it has only come about that the mother was after a ransom payout! :-(
Well I'm coming to join your lovely sunny Country tomorrow - can't wait to get away for this doom & gloom news, cold, rain etc etc etc
I am also disgusted that the jury couldn't decide who had caused all the injuries!!! This happens too often all over the world. Weak, pathetic, spiteful adults picking on and killing harmless defenseless babies and children. These people should be given a lethal injection and thrown in a pit to rot. But that also seems too good for the scumbags.
I'm still in the Uk, travelling to Qatar Saturday. The above story has been all over the news BUT this is not the only case. Just this morning a mother was arrested for killing her 3 year old and baby...Very sad!
this was discussed yesterday..
[img_assist|nid=12867|link=none|align=left|width=|height=0]Nothing in life is to be feared. It is only to be understood.
What kind of Doctor was that???! Yes, those people responsible for their respective functions must pay heavily for failing to ensure this child was removed from these sadists.
Social workers made 60 visits over 8 months and yet NOTHING was done?
Poor baby :(
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