The Obama Virus/Trojan - Be Sure Be Safe

Another day another Obama story.. this time it’s not from the ones you want to hear it from. Spammers are trying to cash in on Obamas popularity and the US elections.
Messages are being sent from the addresses like,,, etc.. and the identified subject lines are “Barack Obama Wins”, “Election Night Results”, and “Fear of a Black President”.
As you open the e-mail the body of the e-mail tells you a little about Obama and his speeches and a link which promises you to show some really important speeches from the past, election moments and interviews of Obama. Once you click on the link it takes you to a news-like page and asks you to download the latest flash player to view the video, in this case “adobe_flash9.exe”.
Once you download and install the file the computer security is compromised and the important information on the computer is vulnerable.
Following is one of the example e-mails flowing around..
Barack Obama Elected 44th President of United States
Barack Obama, unknown to most Americans just four years ago, will become the 44th president and the first African-American president of the United States.
Watch His amazing speech at November 5!
Proceed to the election results news page>>
2008 American Government Official Website
This site delivers information about current U.S. Foreign policy and about American life and culture.
This is being seen as a high level attack from the spammers as the volumes are very high. MxLogic, a security company, reported that close to 1 million e-mails were received and blocked within two hours. Other security companies reported similar numbers.
Volumes of such messages is continuing to go up with the time. So next time you see a Barak Obama e-mail with nice pictures and a link to a never seen before video, be sure of what you are doing.
Following is the picture of the page that suggests you to download the fake latest flash player.
Thanks for the warning ang for whoever spammers who made it..YOUR TIME WILL COME..YOU WILL ROT IN JAIL..OR IN HELL...
Thanks for the heads up! Appreciate you looking out for us!
Keepin' it "riyal" in Doha :}
Thanks for information
I'm very Thank full for the information.
“Be fearful when others are greedy, and be greedy when others are fearful,”