Teaching English

Hi, I am a native English speaker from the United States. I am currently getting certified to teach English as second language and will be moving to Qatar in January. I have a Bachelor's in Psychology and I am currently in a master's program for mental health counseling. I will be looking for a counseling internship (or job) while there but I would like to teach English as a source of income. Does anyone know about opportunities for this in Qatar and what is expected for certification, experience and salary?
There is plenty of private work available, and it pays well for language teaching - I know people who are charging QAR200/hour. As for permanent positions, most efl teachers, at least those who have been recruited from abroad, have tonnes of experience and additional specialised EFL/linguistics qualifications such as MA's/Diplomas. You might also consider getting an IELT's testing qualification - the Brit Council run training courses, and then you will find you have a regular supply of work - there is also other testing work you could do.
Qatar Visitor
Thank you for your suggestions.
Theres the Brtish Council, try their website for jobs in Qatar.
Try to search the website of Qatar Foundation or Qatar University and try to apply, they are paying good salary starts from 25000 qatari rials with full furnished vila and transport. all the best
I dont live with example..Reather I prefer to be an example!