Yakult Healthy Drink, 65ML x 7 small bottles

By newkidontheblock •
Unbelievable and unreasonable price for this item. Who would believe for those who usually buy this in your home Country that this Yakult Healthy Drink 65ML x 7 small bottles in Carrefour cost Q.R. 44.50?? LMAO!
It was my first time that i bought this item in a supermarket in Doha. I just missed the taste of it and wonder if i can buy one and knowing it will only cost me like 10-15 Q.R. Hahaha. I was wrong! Seeing my receipt this morning, shocked me. this is the only high price item compare to all the items i bought! WHOA!
What can you say?
who says and where did you get the idea of my salary of 10000 in my country? Haller! ding dong...
I meant 'distributors'.
"Everything in this book may be wrong." Illusions: The Adventures of The Reluctant Messiah by Richard Bach
yakult is japanese...
i dont think it's a French brand that i got... anyways, i dont even wanna bother, as long as it's not from China,....
Try walking around a bit more and you'll see the 'cheaper' brand...or unless that stock lasts...
"Everything in this book may be wrong." Illusions: The Adventures of The Reluctant Messiah by Richard Bach
is it heero
as i notice in carefour since i been in doha almost 1 year
the price are more then QR 40 rial.
if it was a mistake, then they were probably making the same mistake for a couple of weeks now coz we've been buying that since last month and it was the same price as today...
Last time I bought that 7-pack in Carrefour it was just less than 15QRs...and that was months ago.
"Everything in this book may be wrong." Illusions: The Adventures of The Reluctant Messiah by Richard Bach
it does sound unreasonable,..but what the hey, my daughter loves it as well, so everytime she asks, i buy it for her, it's not everyday she asks for it anyway...
in my home town less then 10 rial for 6 btl
Back in My Country 1 Cocunut (Drinking type) is QR 1.00 (Max). Here the same is QR 8.00. Did it deter the customers. No the whole stock is gone within 1 day of arrival.
Ban Spoon Feeding not Me
Back in your country say you get QR 10000 as the Salary but you get 3 times more than that here. so why the fuss :)
Ban Spoon Feeding not Me
I know it sounds silly, but I just love to drink Yakult ever since, so even if it it crazy to have it at Qr44 I still grab some when I shop.
Is there any similar taste and contents locally made around Gulf?
I know its absurd. Same with vegemite, in aus i pay 12QR for a small jar, here its 25 QR...
buy danao as an alternative..
i think it has the same nutritional value with yakult..
yes my son love that, but i am not paying that amount ... so he have to wait till we go on hols to have it.