Apologising can strengthen relations. Discuss

Apologising - it's not about blaming oneself, but about not forcing it on the other. It's not about seeking forgiveness, but showing the courage to confess where you went wrong. A simple apology can go a great deal in strengthening a relationship with the glue of trust and understanding. But still, we hesitate to utter those three words that can make or mar a realtionship. Haven't you ever felt lighter and not lesser after apologising to your loved ones? Don't you think it's better to apologise than to sulk with a killing ego? (TOI)
hope u're alright.....bitten by the election bug,eh?
Keep smiling!
How could I be sorry for the people, when every one else's is confessing daily in Qatar Living? My Confession Booth is close for the election day. Every one else will be confessing who they would elect, I'm jealous of those electronic voting booths, maybe I need to revamp my confession Booth.
“Be fearful when others are greedy, and be greedy when others are fearful,”
and looking at it from the other side,i don't accept apologies either.a mistake is a mistake and once done,it's difficult to be undone.i may say 'it's alright' to the person,but it'll never get wiped away from my mind......they say 'time heals all wounds' and i chose to add 'but the scars remain for a lifetime'
Keep smiling!
wholly and hundred percent!if they don't want to accept the sorry i said,to hell with them.as though i care....
Keep smiling!
I donno abt strengthening relationships but i always feel bad when somone apologizes to me. Also for some people saying sorry is sooo easy, its like u do somethin dumb and then say sorry- means nothing. Like they say.. Sorry doesnt make a dead man alive...
I dream of a better tomorrow where Chickens can cross the Road without having their motives questioned - Unknown
Really. Carry on with your bubble love issues to have a feeling of Greatness. Craps :)
Ban Spoon Feeding not Me
I disagree! sometimes saying sorry just doesnt cut it. No matter how truly sorry you are, sometimes it takes time to over come something someone has done to hurt you. As for me i know i make mistakes, and when i'm really pissed off i will say very hurtful things, but then when i cool down i realize my mistakes and then i'm genuinely sorry, but the damage has already been done and it might not be easy for the other person to forget the words i've said...so i will just state how truly sorry i am and hope i can make things better....and if they cant live with it then they can just go to HELL! :D
Good Fortune always comes knocking at your door...when you are sh*tting in the toilet!! :)
Charan its better than your crappy recipies and reppeated jokes...
It seems thsat Indians also started Love / Hate / Relationship threads pioneered by Philippinas ;)
Ban Spoon Feeding not Me
If you look at ceramic work of art, it is elegant but still remains delicate and must be handled with care.
Personally speaking i m submissive, I apologise quickly, I think i do it bcos of fear of Almighty.
i try not to make mistakes.....but as making mistakes are as human as i am,i too do make them sometimes.but on such occasions i'll have to apologise only to myself.that's the only time i say a sincere sorry.otherwise i mentioned that i DO use the word sorry to expectant people.....who feel i owe them an apology for something i said or did to them.....the only thing is that it'll be in such a way that they'll be sure i'm not sorry at all.people expect this only once from me.....once they get it,they'll never bother expecting anything of the sort again.
i may be different....but i'm proud of it.it's boring being just another female.
Keep smiling!
My policy is when I realized I made a mistake I make ammends immediately.. I think its easy to eat crow when its warm..
Saggi I wonder. what do u do when u commit a mistake...anyother alternative than say sorry? or walk away with "Iam Ms.Perfect" attitude..?
Exactly be what u are and be proud of it, there would always be people who criticize no matter how good u are, u cannot keep everyone happy all the time, so why bother!
Keep smiling and have a great day ahead!
Cause I'm such a bad boy...
You can't teach experience...
thanks.....coz of this attitude of mine,many people think i'm too raw for a girl.but i couldn't care less anyway.why put up a false face when you can be proud of what you've been blessed with?right? :-)
Keep smiling!
Thats a honest confession, thats what i said in a virtual world most pretend to be as nice as they could, afterall who could verify what is written is true or fake.
I truly Respect ur honesty!
somehow,SORRY is a word that i find most difficult to utter....even if i do (usually out of compulsion "go and tell him sorry!"),it'll be in way that makes the other person feel that i'm not in the least sorry about what i did :-D LOL
Keep smiling!
apologizing really does strengthen a relationship, especially if it is given whole-heartedly...
is an act of HUMILITY
Well to be frank u will hardly find anyone disagreeing to that atleast in virtual world.....Apologizing when wrong definitely helps strengthen relationships infact sometimes apologizing to ur dear ones, even if u are not wrong and u know u are not wrong also helps a lot to improve the relationship offcourse not always!
Koolkat catch u in the morning, you should shake ur head to get an offday like me! lol
I dont live with example..Reather I prefer to be an example!
Apogise is the best and easy way to strength the relationship with ur loved ones, its not hard to apogise you just have to tell yourself that I have to apologise , apology is a part of showing love.
I dont live with example..Reather I prefer to be an example!
its good to apologise wen u are wrong but saying iam sorry is not only for wen u av offended the other party but also to prevent some issues from arising.
Agree with Nadt...as the song goes its hard to say sorry. You see pple on QL saying sorry often
You can't teach experience...
I agree apologising does strengthen relationships. I have np problem apologising to my husband, especially when i have been very unreasonable. I dont see it as a sign of weakness, if im in the wrong, then its the right thing to do. In turn i find my husband apologises too, even if im in the wrong/right. Its a win win situation..