Man's arm trapped in train toilet

A passenger on a French train had to be rescued by firemen after having his arm sucked down the on-board toilet.
The 26-year-old victim was trapped when he tried to fish out his mobile phone, which had fallen into the toilet bowl, and fell foul of the suction system.
The high-speed TGV train had to stop for two hours while firemen cut through the train's pipework.
The man was carried away by emergency services, with the toilet still attached to his arm.
"He came out on a stretcher, with his hand still jammed in the toilet bowl, which they had to saw clean off," said Benoit Gigou, a witness to the man's plight.
The incident happened on Sunday evening, aboard a train travelling in western France between La Rochelle and Paris.
Imagine getting sucked, If you forget to pull up your robes?
You will walking out of the toilet in your drawers....LOL
“Be fearful when others are greedy, and be greedy when others are fearful,”
oops sorry my bad..u keep posting things about the funny brits it must have gotten me confused ; so instead of me editing my post why dont we just offer him a british citizenship and we'll all be happy lol :)
Good Fortune always comes knocking at your door...when you are sh*tting in the toilet!! :)
accident or not, it was still stupid to use mobile in the toilet.. he had it coming...
That was a Chinese guy..
at least this is an accident guys...remember the brit with his manhood stuck into the bench hole! what could be more embarrassing than THAT!!
Good Fortune always comes knocking at your door...when you are sh*tting in the toilet!! :)
yeah, can say that again....
yeah,.. to be taken to an ambulance on a stretcher with a toilet bowl stuck in your hand... wow....
I'd die of embarrassment if that will happen to me.. Ha-ha! Stupidity strikes!
What do expect from a frenchman .....It was obviously an LG - Let Go!
i remember my little nephew (aged 2) dropping his grandpa's precious Nokia 6630 into a bucket of water...LOL!!!and everybody noticed that the fone had gone missing only after an hour or so.after a frantic search,they found it another half hour uncle had nothing less than a mini heart attack that day :-D LOOOL!
Keep smiling!
smoke, careful not to drop your phone into Kitty's litter box :-P
lol smoke, he must've got a really crappy connection, could it be he was leaning his ear near the toilet bowl hoping for a better reception? lol...
i bet it was a very long distance important call ;) or should i say he got a "crappy" connection?
Good Fortune always comes knocking at your door...when you are sh*tting in the toilet!! :)
I think there's a lesson in there somewhere...
and i thought dropping mobiles in the toilet happens only in movies... geez, wrong i was....
maybe the right one. i think his a righthanded.... LOLZ
Was it his left or right one??.. LOL
embarassing and gross!! yuck....
oh dear!how embarassing!did he get his mobile back after all this effort?
Keep smiling!