how smart do you think you are..

By master_mas •
i made a quiz...
should be easy for smart people..
read carefully.. be honest.. try to score high.. & take the quiz ONLY once..
10 questions..
u score 50% or less.. god help u my friend..
Your Score:
Your Friend says:
"good job buddy.. smart enough.."
Updated Quiz Scoreboard
crap dude 90.. that cookie question i have to read that twice :)
anyone else..
i got only 60%
got i smart?? i stil am!!!:-)
duh! who cares about that quiz,anyways...another set
Hip Hip Hurrraaay -I got 100%
Your Score:
Your Friend says:
"go back to school.."
Heyyy!! Come on! The colour of my red car weally weally is blue!!!
Life is short. Live it to the fullest!
got 100%..... whether this true or not... i dont care...
who's posting the Quiz links around..
i am receiving emails of people takin the quiz everyday..
189 took the quiz
24 scored 100%..
& u thought u r smart..
just click and click.what now?!
Live Life free of worries
The American Spelling and grammar confused me..
"crazy world"
i guess you managed to open the page eventually? :):)
The question was , who owns the internet.. The Andwer - We do..
Since the UK started the scientific revolution, then it means that all discoveries ultimately belong to us..
However, as a benevelant nation, we like to share our discoveries to enrich the world and ofcourse former colonies..
.. or Q-tel (the people I pay my bill to lmao)
"Diplomacy is the art of saying 'Nice doggie' until you can find a rock - Will Rogers"
Who invented the internet?
It was not invented by the british!!
“Be fearful when others are greedy, and be greedy when others are fearful,”
I got 100%, give me something harder, besides the cookie question, it sound more like a riddle the way was worded.
“Be fearful when others are greedy, and be greedy when others are fearful,”
Something wrong here... RP gets 100 % and I couldn't even open the web page..
Obviously biased towards the Americans..
im not smart :(
and i always thought i am ... LOL
just kidding...
next pls... :D
I love it... what color is the red car... lol
100% here, the only one that even posed a challenge was the cookie one
"Diplomacy is the art of saying 'Nice doggie' until you can find a rock - Will Rogers"
122 took the quiz..
16 got 0%..
14 got 100%..
& the rest varies from 30% to 90%
am i right.. ha am i right..?
i'll make another one soon..
all trick questions..
nothing serious..
i want u all to keep believing that u r smart people..
i got 50/50
70%........58th rank.....
this test doesn't show how smart you are. this test is initially oriented to not too smart people..questions are silly...first I thought it's just a just cannot get them wrong...therefore even if you got 100, it just shows that you not complete idiot...
Got 90%, they aren't difficult just trying to trick you.
I hate to sound like i'm boasting, but i'm genuinely surprised no one else got 100%? It was pretty easy as far as quizzes go.
Stay safe all.
Perfection does not exist. The question therefore, is: what level of imperfection are we willing to settle for?
You can't teach experience...
im not a genius hahahahaha!!!
Do I need help breathing?
got 80%
got 90%
got 70% :(
"liFe wAs lIkE a bOx oF cHocOlAtEs. yOu nEveR kNow
wHaT yOu'Re gOnNa gEt." ================================